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Pentingnya Berdzikrullah dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari, Inilah Bacaan Dzikir yang Bisa Bentengi Diri dari Godaan Setan

The importance of remembering Allah in daily life, this is the Remembrance of Dhikr that can fortify oneself from the temptations of Satan.

The Importance of Remembrance in Daily Life, Here are the Readings of Remembrance that Can Protect Oneself

Dream - The creation of humans in this world is to worship Allah SWT. In their life, everything has been provided by Allah SWT.

The Importance of Remembrance in Daily Life, Here are the Readings of Remembrance that Can Protect Oneself

It should already be, as a servant one should always be grateful and glorify His name. One of them is not to miss the time for remembrance of Allah.

Berdzikir is a way that a Muslim can do to always be close to Allah SWT and also protect oneself from the temptations of Satan that disturb at all times. Besides being able to get closer to Allah SWT and protect oneself from the temptations of Satan, dzikrullah will also bring abundant rewards.

There are many sentences of remembrance that friends of Dream can practice every day. Here is an explanation of the virtues and recitation of remembrance of Allah as summarized by Dream through various sources.

The Importance of Remembrance in Daily Life, Here are the Readings of Remembrance that Can Protect Oneself
Arti Dzikrullah dan Manfaatnya bagi Umat Islam

The meaning of Dzikrullah and its benefits for the Muslim community.

Dzikrullah in Islam refers to the remembrance of Allah. Dzikrullah is a spiritual practice performed by Muslims to remember, worship, and draw closer to Allah.

The practice of dzikrullah has great benefits for Muslims, including increasing tranquility, strengthening faith, strengthening the relationship with Allah, and bringing happiness and peace to the heart. In the Quran, there are five meanings of dzikrullah which include praising, giving thanks, remembering, seeking forgiveness, and reading the Quran. Praising and giving thanks to Allah are important parts of dzikrullah, as they help Muslims to remain grateful and remember Allah's goodness.

Berdzikir and beristighfar also become part of dzikrullah, because by remembering Allah, Muslims can cleanse their hearts and obtain forgiveness for their sins. In addition, reading the Al-Quran is also a form of dzikrullah that can strengthen faith and bring goodness to Muslims. Therefore, dzikrullah plays an important role in the lives of Muslims, as it brings great spiritual benefits and helps strengthen the relationship with Allah.

"The Virtue of Remembrance (Dzikir) and Its Evidence"

"Dhikr is one of the righteous deeds commanded by Allah SWT. Here are some of its virtues explained in the Quran and hadiths:"

Keutamaan Dzikir dan Dalilnya

1. The reward is great.

According to the Quran, dhikr is one of the best actions with the greatest rewards. Allah says in Surah Al-Ahzab, verses 41-42: "O believers, remember Allah abundantly, and glorify Him morning and evening."

2. Lightening Burdens and Life Difficulties

Dzikir also has virtues in easing burdens and life difficulties. Allah promises in Surah Ar-Ra'd verse 28 that: "Remember, only by remembering Allah will the heart be at peace." Dzikir can also help someone to free themselves from difficulties and face trials with perseverance.

3. Source of Goodness and Blessings in Life

The following is the translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Remembrance (Dzikir) also becomes a source of goodness and blessings in life, because Allah says in Surah Al-Ankabut verse 45 that: "Fear Him and remember Him abundantly. And glorify Him in the evening and morning." Remembrance (Dzikir) brings blessings in everything that is done."

4. Protection from Satan's Temptation

In addition, dzikir can also be a protection against the temptation of Satan. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said in a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud: "Dzikir is a barrier between human beings and Satan." By remembering Allah, a person can protect themselves from the temptation of Satan and sinful acts.

5. Receiving Forgiveness and Mercy from Allah SWT

Finally, dzikir is also a means to obtain forgiveness and mercy from Allah. Dzikir can help a person to stay close to Allah and seek His forgiveness.


As His word in Surah Al-A'raf verse 205: "And remember your Lord within yourself, humbly and with fear, and not with a loud voice in the morning and evening, and do not be among the heedless." By remembering, one can attain the grace and forgiveness of Allah SWT.

"The Best Time for Dhikr"

There are several best times to remember Allah SWT. The following are the times that friends of Dream can use:

1. Morning, Afternoon, and Evening

The best times to remember Allah are in the morning, evening, and night. The evidence for this is a hadith narrated by Muslim which states that the Prophet Muhammad advised to remember Allah frequently during these three times.


2. After the 5 Prayer Times

Besides that, dhikr is also highly recommended to be performed after the five daily prayers. The evidence is a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, which mentions that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said that Allah is pleased when His servants engage in much dhikr after prayers.


3. When Waiting for Prayer Time

The best time is when waiting for prayer time. The Prophet Muhammad once said that the time between the call to prayer and the start of prayer is a blessed time for remembrance.


Various benefits of dhikr at those times include getting closer to Allah, purifying the heart and soul, and remembering His greatness in every activity. Therefore, it is very important to take advantage of these best times for dhikr, in order to receive benefits and blessings from Him.

"Reading of Dzikrullah that Can be Practiced"

is one of the efforts to protect oneself from the cursed temptations of Satan.

Bacaan Dzikrullah yang Bisa Diamalkan

As the Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever says 'laa ilaaha illallahu wahdahuu laa syariika lahuu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai'in qadir' a hundred times a day, he will receive rewards as if he has freed ten slaves, a hundred good deeds will be written for him, a hundred bad deeds will be erased, and he will be protected by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala from Satan on that day until the evening."

There is protection for him from disturbance until evening, and there is no one who brings anything more important than what he does, except for someone who does more than him." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) So, it would be better if Dream's friend always recites the dhikr in the above hadith, which is: "laa ilaaha illallahu wahdahuu laa syariika lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai'in qadir" Insha Allah, Allah SWT will provide protection from the disturbance of the misleading devil.

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