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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Tears of Sorrow from the Wife of Corporal Hendrianto, a Member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces who Died in Papua"

The Sad Cries of the Wife of Corporal Hendrianto, a Member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Who Died in Papua

Dream - The departure of Corporal Hendrianto, a member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) assigned to the Task Force of Infantry Battalion 133/Yudha Sakti who died in Papua, left tears and cries from the family left behind.

Kopda Hendrianto fell during an attack by an Armed Criminal Group (KKB) after securing Christmas in Maybrat Regency, Southwest West Papua, on Monday, December 25, 2023. The funeral procession was held in Jambi, Kopda Hendrianto's hometown. Meanwhile, the funeral handover ceremony was conducted by Korem 032/Wirabraja, Padang. The Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi, acted as the ceremony inspector during the body handover.

The Sad Cries of the Wife of Corporal Hendrianto, a Member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Who Died in Papua

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The funeral ceremony of Corporal Hendrianto was filled with sadness and tears from his wife. This moment was uploaded by the Tiktok account @qudrotlara18."

Kopda Hendrianto left behind one wife and two daughters. The wife appeared to continue crying by her husband's casket wrapped in red and white cloth. Together with her children, she tried to stay strong after being left by her beloved husband. The young child, who is still small and does not yet understand, was said to have asked where his father is.

"He said this is it, God willing, yes dad, let's pray for it dad. Later mom will take care of the little one, okay dad,""
Say the wife beside the coffin of Corporal Hendrianto.


As if not believing in her husband's departure, the wife tried to be sincere. However, her husband's departure still caused deep wounds and sadness.

The Sad Cries of the Wife of Corporal Hendrianto, a Member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Who Died in Papua
The Sad Cries of the Wife of Corporal Hendrianto, a Member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Who Died in Papua

Even when leaving the room, the wife was seen being carried using a wheelchair because she couldn't stand to contain her sadness. That touching moment made netizens feel the grief and pray for the departure of Corporal Hendrianto who fell while on duty.

"Embrace from afar for Mama Gisel Gauri 😭😭😭😭," wrote the account @me n me. "Be strong, Ny Hendrianto, may Allah accept her husband's body in the best place 😇🤐," wrote the account @Syntia1003. "Condolences to Bu Hendrianto, who is strong, may Uncle be accepted by HIM 😇 embrace from afar from all of us, Mother" Persit for Bu Hendrianto 😺🥭🏻🏻," wrote the account @mayaikaa. "I always cry when I see news about fallen soldiers in Papua because my child also fell in Papua last year 2022 😭😭😭," wrote the account @Shinta Wulan307.

@qudrotlara18 Kuat dan tabah ya kakak , adek gisel dan gauri,tidak mudah di posisi kakak ,insyaallah om syahid kak🥹🙏🏻🤲,peluk jauh dari kami semua kak 🙏🏻Selamat jalan Om hendrianto🫡🙏🏻pahlawan yudha sakti,pahlawan indonesia 🫡🫡 🙏🏻#tnigugur #tnigugurdipapua #tnigugurdimedantugas #pamtaspapua #persit #persitkartikachandrakirana #persitkuatpersithebat ♬ suara asli - Ny.Qudrotul N.H
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