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The story of the Ancestors of the Israelites, Starting from the Twin Brothers of Prophet Isaac who were Enemies

The story of the Ancestors of the Israelites, Starting from the Twin Brothers of Prophet Isaac who were Enemies

The Story of the Ancestors of the Children of Israel, Beginning with the Twin Brothers of the Son of Prophet Isaac who were Enemies

Dream - The story of the ancestors of the Bani Israil apparently began with twin brothers who were at odds with each other. Let us delve deeper into the genealogy of the ancestors of the Bani Israil, which is often attributed to the descendants of Prophet Yakub.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Prophet Jacob is the son of Prophet Isaac, son of Abraham. His mother is the daughter of Prophet Abraham's brother named Rifqah binti A'zar. Apparently, Prophet Jacob has a twin brother named Esau. He was named Jacob because he was born holding the heel of his twin brother. It is revealed that Prophet Jacob was actually hated by his own twin brother. This twin brother conflict made Prophet Isaac as a father increasingly troubled."

"Nenek Moyang Bani Israil" translates to "Ancestors of the Children of Israel" in English.

Ahmad Bahjat in the book "Sejarah Nabi-Nabi Allah" explains that Ishu is suspected to be the ancestor of the Roman nation. Meanwhile, Yakub is the ancestor of the Bani Israil. Nabi Yakub was appointed as a Messenger who received revelations from Allah and taught those revelations to his people. Nabi Yakub is also called Israil because he often traveled at night.


"Bad Relationship Between Twin Siblings"

Ishu holds deep resentment towards Prophet Jacob. Ishu feels that his parents love and favor Jacob more than him. The relationship between these twin brothers worsened when Ishu found out that his mother preferred Jacob when their father, Prophet Isaac, asked for their presence to bless and pray for them. Therefore, Ishu did not have the same opportunity as Jacob to receive blessings and prayers from their father.

Menyimpan Dendam Kesumat

"Keeping Deep Grudges"

Since then, Ishu's attitude towards his twin brother, Yakub, has been very cold and hostile. He even often threatens Yakub, causing his twin brother to complain to their father, Prophet Ishaq.

"Keluh Kesah Yakub kepada Ayahnya" translates to "Jacob's Complaint to His Father" in English.

"Dear Father! Please help me find a solution on how to deal with my sister Ishu who hates me, holds grudges against me, envies me, and always mocks me with hurtful words, causing our sibling relationship to become distant and tense, with no love and affection towards each other. She is angry because you bless and pray for me to have righteous offspring, ease in livelihood, prosperous life, and luxury."

The Story of the Ancestors of the Children of Israel, Beginning with the Twin Brothers of the Son of Prophet Isaac who were Enemies

Complaints of Prophet Jacob still continue, "He boasted about his two wives from the Canaanite tribe. He threatened that his children from his two wives would become strong rivals for my children in the future. This is so distressing for me. Please, father, give me a solution on how to overcome this problem in a family-oriented way?"

"Advice of Prophet Ishaq to Prophet Yakub"

“O my child! Your advanced age prevents me from mediating the issue between the two of you. My blanket has covered my entire head, my face has wrinkled, and I am now on the verge of parting from you and leaving this transient world. I am worried that after my departure, the troubles caused by your twin sibling will escalate, and openly, they will become your enemy and harm you.”

"While he has the support of influential in-laws in this country. Therefore, the best path for you is to leave this country and migrate to Fadan A'ram in Iraq. There, your father's brother, Laban bin Batu'il, is present. Marry one of his daughters. By doing so, your social position will be strengthened, so that you will be respected and esteemed due to the prominent social position of your father-in-law in society. Go there accompanied by my prayers, O my child! May Allah bless your journey, bestow sustenance upon you, and grant you peace in your life."

"Hijrah ke Irak" translates to "Migration to Iraq" in English.

Nabi Yakub immediately prepared himself to follow his father's advice. He sought blessings from his father and mother when he was about to migrate to Fadan A'raam in the region of Iraq. Nabi Yakub embarked on a long journey alone, crossing the scorching Sahara desert that burned his skin. Occasionally, he rested to alleviate his fatigue. In one of his resting places, he fell asleep under a large rock.

"Beautiful Dream of Prophet Jacob"

He fell asleep in his sleep and then dreamed that he was blessed with abundant sustenance, a peaceful life, a complete family, righteous children and grandchildren, and a great and prosperous kingdom. Shortly after, he woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and realized that it was just a dream. Nevertheless, he believed that his dream would come true in the future according to the prayers of his father.


Arriving in the city of Fadan A'raam

Upon arriving at a crossroad in the city of Fadan A'raam, he asked one of the residents about the whereabouts of his uncle's house, Laban bin Batu'il. It is known that his uncle is a wealthy figure with the largest livestock company in the city. The resident whom Prophet Jacob asked pointed to a beautiful girl who was shepherding goats and said, "Coincidentally, that is Laban's daughter named Rahil, who can take you to her father's house."

"Meeting a Beautiful Girl Shepherd of Goats"

Nabi Yakub approached the beautiful girl with a pounding heart. His voice faltered as he introduced himself. He mentioned that his mother was the sister of the girl's father. Upon hearing Nabi Yakub's introduction and purpose, Rahil became delighted. She happily escorted Nabi Yakub to meet her father, Laban.

Kehidupan Berjalan Sebagaimana Doa Ayahnya

"Life Goes on as His Father's Prayer"

The life of Prophet Yakub went according to the advice and prayers of his father. He met his uncle, found a comfortable place to live, and married his cousin.

Going back to the land of Canaan to continue his father's mission.

"After being blessed with 10 sons from his wife, he then returned to the land of Canaan to complete the mission of his father, Prophet Isaac, and his grandfather, Prophet Abraham, to call for the religion of monotheism."


It is called Bani Israil.

In his hometown, Prophet Yakub was blessed with two sons, namely Yusuf and Benyamin. Thus, the total number of his sons was 12 people. The descendants of Prophet Yakub are later known as the Children of Israel. Israil is another name for Prophet Yakub. One of the groups of the Children of Israel is later referred to as the Jews, who are descendants of Yehuda, the strongest son of Prophet Yakub.

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