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Understanding the Meaning of Qunut Prayer and Its Legal Rulings According to the View of Imam Shafi'i

Understanding the Meaning of Qunut Prayer and Its Legal Rulings According to the View of Imam Shafi'i

Dream - Reading the qunut prayer is one of the recommended practices in the morning prayer. Usually, qunut is recited in the second rak'ah of the morning prayer after reciting the I'tidal prayer. Specifically, this qunut prayer is recited before bowing while raising both hands as in supplication.

Understanding the Meaning of Qunut Prayer and Its Law According to Imam Shafi'i

"Anjuran Doa Qunut" translates to "Recommended Qunut Prayer" in English.

The recommendation to recite the qunut prayer during the Fajr prayer is strongly emphasized by Imam Shafi'i, and his opinion is followed by the majority of hadith scholars. His argument is based on several hadiths that serve as the basis for the recommendation to recite the qunut prayer during the Fajr prayer. "Muhammad bin Sirin said, 'I asked Anas bin Malik, 'Did the Prophet Muhammad recite qunut in the Fajr prayer?' He replied, 'Yes, briefly after bowing.' (Narrated by Muslim, Hadith number 1578)."

"Other History"

In another narration, it is also explained about the recommendation to recite the qunut prayer during the dawn prayer as follows: Anas bin Malik RA said, "The Prophet Muhammad SAW continued to recite qunut in the Fajr (dawn) prayer until he passed away." (Narrated by Ahmad, Ad-Daraquthni, al-Baihaqi, and others with an authentic chain of narrators)


The two hadiths have been authenticated by Imam Nawawi in his book al-Majmu' Syarhul Muhadzdzab. In that book, Imam Nawawi said, "These hadiths are authentic, narrated by many huffazh and they consider it authentic. Among those who have confirmed its authenticity are Hafizh Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Ali al-Balkhi, al-Hakim Abu Abdillah in several places in his books, and al-Baihaqi. The hadith is also narrated by Daraquthni from several chains with authentic chains."

"Law of Reciting Doa Qunut"

Regarding the law of reciting the qunut prayer during the Fajr prayer, Imam Shafi'i is of the opinion that it is a highly recommended sunnah. This means that leaving it out does not invalidate the prayer, but it is recommended to replace it with the sujud syahwi. This replacement applies when Sahabat Dream intentionally or unintentionally leaves out the qunut.


"Arabic Qunut Prayer Reading"

اللهم اهدني فيمن هديت وعافني فيمن عافيت وتولني فيمن توليت وبارك لي فيما أعطيت وقني شرما قضيت فانك تقضي ولا يقضي عليك وانه لا يذل من واليت ولا يعز من عاديت تباركت ربنا وتعاليت فلك الحمد على ما قضيت واستغفرك واتوب اليك وصلي الله على سيدنا محمد النبي الامي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم


"Reading of the Latin Qunut Prayer"

"Allahummahdini fî man hadait, wa 'âfini fî man 'âfait, wa tawallanî fî man tawallait, wa bârikî fî mâ a'thait, wa qinî syarra mâ qadhait, fa innaka taqdhi wa lâ yuqdha 'alaik, wa innahû lâ yazillu man wâlait, wa lâ ya'izzu man 'âdait, tabârakta rabbanâ wa ta'âlait, fa lakal hamdu alâ mâ qadhait, wa astaghfiruka wa atûbu ilaik, wa shallallâhu 'alâ sayyidinâ muhammadin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa 'alâ âlihi wa sahbihi wa sallam."

Meaning of Doa Qunut

"O Allah, guide us as You have guided those before us. Grant us good health as You have granted health to others. Protect us as You have protected those who came before us. Bless us in all that You have bestowed upon us. Save us from the dangers of evil that You have determined."

Then indeed, You are the one who judges and not subject to judgment. Then indeed, no one whom You lead is humiliated. And no one whom You oppose is honored. You are Holy, O our Lord, and You are exalted. All praise is due to You above what You have decreed. I seek forgiveness from You and I repent to You. (And may Allah) pour His mercy and peace upon our master, Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Thus is the meaning of the complete qunut prayer, both in Arabic and Latin. Of course, the law and discussion in this article are based on the opinion of the Shafi'i school. The application and law may differ if studied according to other schools of thought. Considering that Islam consists of various schools of thought, all of which are also based on strong evidence. Source: NU Online

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