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Viral Modus Rem Rusak di Puncak, Disebut Keluar Asap Langsung Digiring ke Bengkel<br>

Viral Modus Rem Rusak di Puncak, Disebut Keluar Asap Langsung Digiring ke Bengkel Translation: Viral Damaged Brake Mode at the Peak, Said to Release Smoke and Immediately Taken to the Workshop

"Dream - Puncak Bogor is one of the favorite tourist destinations for families. Besides the cooler air, the location of Puncak is also not far from Jakarta city. However, behind the excitement of the tourist destination in Puncak, there is another side that can harm tourists. A woman shared a video on her TikTok social media account @chilmoysee, and urged netizens to be careful when visiting Puncak."

"Mode Brake Damage at the Peak"

The woman shared her experience when her car was called damaged because the brakes emitted smoke. Thinking that the brakes were damaged, the woman was then directed by a motorcyclist to a workshop.

"Sempat Merasa Curiga" translates to "Once Felt Suspicious" in English.

"Although she had suspicions, the woman and her husband still went to the workshop. She was suspicious because many people gave her advice as if they wanted to help her."


"Langsung Dibongkar" translates to "Unpacked Directly" in English.

Even when her car arrived at the workshop, a man who seemed to be a mechanic at the workshop immediately dismantled the front tire of her car. However, the woman admitted that the mechanic had not asked her about the complaints regarding her car. Nevertheless, it seemed like the man already understood what was broken in her car. Once it was dismantled, the car owner couldn't do much.

Viral Modus Damaged Brakes at the Peak, Smoke Comes Out Immediately Taken to the Workshop

According to him, at that time there was also another car that experienced the same thing as him. However, the driver did not immediately follow the person who led his car to the workshop, but chose to wait first by the roadside.

"Be careful for those who want to spend the weekend in the Puncak area, the brake trick is broken and emits smoke, it turns out many people are affected,"
write it in his/her video.



"Viral on Social Media"

The following text is already in English.

Banyak Korban

"Also, I have experienced something like that, sister. It happened 2 years ago, the person and the workshop were exactly the same," wrote the account @zulfahmiatenk. "Please investigate this police station, it turns out there are many victims. Extortion is really sad, even though if you go to Puncak, you will like Ciloto in that area," wrote the account @Uce_247. "This is the direction towards Cipanas, I have experienced it before. When inside, it really smells like burning tires. Many people have been affected here. We were charged 400,000," wrote the account @Taurus. "I almost got caught too, but the modus operandi I experienced was different. There were people sitting on the side of the road, along a 2km stretch, and I noticed that they always pointed towards the tires," wrote the account @Jeffry gustianto."

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