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Viral Moment Indonesian Fishermen Allegedly Expelling Foreign Ships, Here are the Real Facts

Viral Moment Indonesian Fishermen Allegedly Expelling Foreign Ships, Here are the Real Facts

Dream - Recently, a video of Indonesian fishermen allegedly driving away foreign fishing boats went viral on social media. This video was shared by the TikTok account @heruwoless and was reposted on several social media accounts. From the post, it can be seen that a number of fishermen drove away the foreign boat by throwing some items at it. The exact location of the incident is unknown.

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Video lasting a few seconds shows an Indonesian fishing boat in the sea. They saw a foreign ship called entering Indonesian waters. These fishermen did not stay silent. They drove away the foreign ship by throwing objects at it."

Viral Momen Nelayan Indonesia Diduga Usir Kapal Asing, Begini Fakta Sebenarnya

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This action by Indonesian fishermen was successful. The foreign fishing vessel finally left Indonesian waters."

After the video went viral, the account owner clarified that he did not experience the incident firsthand. It turns out he took the video from someone else. "Here, I will clarify my video from yesterday, the video of the foreign ship. So, many people commented and blamed others. The sea is vast, the sea in Indonesia is vast. It's understandable if someone doesn't guard the sea. I took this video from Instagram, I don't know where, and then I posted it. I feel uncomfortable with many people blaming me like that, I don't want them to blame me, it's a misunderstanding," said the owner of the TikTok account @heruwoless.

Viral Momen Nelayan Indonesia Diduga Usir Kapal Asing, Begini Fakta Sebenarnya

Investigating further, the sea area is no longer within Indonesian territory. This was explained by the video uploader who received information from local residents. The moment when fishermen drove away the other ship was because they decided to cut the fishing net. "Those are spice ships for fishermen because they decided to cut the fishing net. The fishing net is a place for fish nests, tied with ropes down to thousands of meters below," he said.

Viral Momen Nelayan Indonesia Diduga Usir Kapal Asing, Begini Fakta Sebenarnya

"I finally found the source directly, he said it's someone from Sri Lanka. That video is from someone else, I uploaded it again like that. Turns out it's no longer in Indonesian territory like that. That video is from the Indian Ocean." "Netizens blame others, the point is that the fishermen are no longer in Indonesian waters, it's like international waters," he added.

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