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Convert to English: "What Kind of Converts Are Eligible for Zakat? Here's the Explanation"

"Mualaf is a disbeliever whose heart is moved to embrace the religion of Islam or has just entered the religion of Islam."

Dream - Zakat fitrah is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman. The distribution of zakat fitrah is usually done towards the end of Ramadan. In the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the collection and management of zakat were carried out by a special committee called amil zakat. They were the ones who were fully authorized by the Prophet Muhammad to record the Muslims who are required to pay their zakat. Then, the zakat is distributed to those who are eligible, one of whom is a convert. However, it is important to know the deadline for someone who is still considered a convert.

With that, it will also be known whether he is still eligible to receive zakat or not. Well, here's the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

What Kind of Convert Can Receive Zakat? Here's the Explanation
Apa Itu Mualaf?

"What is Mualaf?"

Mualaf originates from the Arabic language, namely 'alifa' which means to gather and calm. Meanwhile, according to the term, mualaf is a disbeliever whose heart is moved to embrace Islam or has just entered the religion of Islam.

According to the book Al Mausu'ah Al Fiqhiyyah, mualaf in the context of Shariah refers to individuals whose hearts are inclined towards Islam or who are being strengthened in their commitment to Islam. For those who are going to embrace Islam, they must first recite the Shahada as an official sign of becoming a Muslim. Additionally, they also acknowledge that there is no god but Allah and that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Messenger.

Only after becoming a Muslim, the convert can start learning and practicing the teachings of Islam, which will eventually become a daily routine of worship.

"People who are Eligible to Receive Zakat"

People who are eligible to receive zakat fitrah are those who are included in the eight groups mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Tawbah verse 60:

Orang-Orang yang Berhak Menerima Zakat

1. Fuqara (the poor people)

They who do not have sufficient assets for their own basic needs and their families.


2. Cook (very poor people)

"They are in greater need of assistance than the fuqara and have nothing to fulfill their basic needs."


3. Zakat Collector

Amilin al-Zakat (employees who are responsible for managing zakat) are those who are responsible for collecting, managing, and distributing zakat.


4. Convert Note: The translation provided is a literal translation of the word "Mualaf" from Bahasa to English. It may have different meanings depending on the context.

Mualaf (people who have recently converted to Islam or those who need assistance to strengthen their faith) are those who have recently converted to Islam or those who need assistance to strengthen their faith and enhance their relationship with the Muslim community.

5. Riqab (freeing slaves)

They who need assistance to free themselves from slavery or unlawful dependence.


6. Gharimin (people who owe debts)

They who are indebted to fulfill their basic needs and are unable to repay the debt.


7. Fisabilillah (fighters in the way of Allah)

Those who are involved in the struggle for the interests of Islam or the greater public good, such as education, health, or infrastructure development.

8. Ibn al-Sabil (a person who is currently on a journey)

"They who are traveling and running out of funds to meet their basic needs."

Mualaf yang Boleh Diberi Zakat

"Converts Who Are Eligible for Zakat"

Quoted from, converts to Islam in the Shafi'i school of thought are divided into two, namely Muslim converts and disbelievers. As for disbelievers, they are not allowed to receive zakat due to their disbelief.

To Islam convert itself is divided into four, as explained in Al-Khatib As-Syirbini: a person who has just embraced Islam and whose faith is still weak. They are given zakat to soften their hearts, then their faith becomes strong. A person who embraces Islam and whose conviction is already strong, but they have influence among their people, by giving them zakat it is hoped that their people will also embrace Islam. A person who embraces Islam and whose conviction is already strong and they protect the Muslim community from the evil of disbelievers living nearby.

People who convert to Islam and have strong beliefs, they protect the Muslim community from the evil of those who refuse to pay zakat. The second group, the latter, is given if they give zakat to both, the cost is lighter compared to sending troops to protect the Muslim community. Regarding the definition of a convert, it is not explained in the Quran, hadith, or the opinions of scholars.

Although so, a person will not always bear the status as a convert. Because if we look at the reasons of a convert who receives zakat, it is to soften their heart and strengthen their faith. Therefore, the limit is the strength and steadfastness of their faith. To know the steadfastness of their faith, it can be seen from their daily life when performing worship as a Muslim.

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