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Janda 2 Anak Tergila-gila dengan Mantan Suami, Tadinya Marah Jadi Sayang, Ternyata Ini Sebabnya

"Widow with 2 Children Crazy in Love with Ex-Husband, Initially Angry but Now Affectionate, Turns Out This is the Reason"

Dream - No woman can survive with a lazy and rude husband. Instead of continuously suffering physically and mentally, divorce is the last resort chosen, even if it means being a widow.

This is the story of Diana (not her real name), who divorced her husband because she could no longer tolerate his lazy and hot-tempered behavior. However, little did she know, her husband held a grudge and was willing to cast a spell on his own wife.

Widow with 2 Children Crazy in Love with Ex-Husband, Initially Angry but Turns Out This is the Reason

"Origin of Diana's Suffering"

Remembering his dark past, Diana, a 38-year-old woman, tells that her ex-husband, Jalil (not his real name), used to work in a private company. However, fate had a different plan, Jalil was laid off from his job when the country was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019.

"After being laid off, my husband tried to find another job, but it never lasted long. There was always a reason. Low salary, favoritism from the boss, or not in line with his field. I suggested he become an online motorcycle taxi or courier because the working hours are flexible, but he immediately rejected it because it didn't match his preferences," said Diana. Weeks turned into months, months turned into years, without realizing it, Jalil has been unemployed for two years."

"Life is Getting Worse"

Jalil only spends his time sleeping, hanging out at the stall, or playing online gambling. Besides being lazy, Jalil also has a bad temper. He often gets angry and rude to Diana, even in front of their children.

Widow with 2 Children Crazy in Love with Ex-Husband, Initially Angry but Turns Out This is the Reason

"He often gets angry for no reason. When he's angry, he tends to speak rudely. The children often bear the brunt," Diana said sadly. Diana has tried to be patient and advise Jalil, but there is no change. Jalil remains lazy and rude."

"Bearing All Living Expenses by Oneself"

During that period, Dian was the one working to earn a living as an employee in a private company. "With a salary of 3,000 ringgit per month, I am the one who pays the rent, bills, grocery shopping, and school fees for my two children." Luckily, the car has been fully paid off. But sometimes I have to use my savings because the salary alone is not enough," she said.

Feeling unable to bear the suffering any longer, Diana finally decided to divorce. She filed for divorce in the religious court and talak one was pronounced against Jalil. Diana realized that being a widow is not easy, but she believes that her decision is the best for herself and her children.

However, Diana's suffering did not end there. After the divorce, Diana began experiencing strange occurrences. She often felt unwell, her efforts were not smooth, and her relationship with her children became strained.

Widow with 2 Children Crazy in Love with Ex-Husband, Initially Angry but Turns Out This is the Reason

"Always Remembering Ex-Husband"

"But strangely, Diana always remembers Jalil. Eating, sleeping or working, the face of her ex-husband always haunts her. Suspicious of what is happening, Diana finally went to the ustaz. The ustaz revealed that Diana has been bewitched by her ex-husband."

Diana feels devastated knowing this. She didn't expect Jalil to betray her after their divorce.

Widow with 2 Children Crazy in Love with Ex-Husband, Initially Angry but Turns Out This is the Reason

Use Dirty Clothes Intermediary

Turns out Jalil once took Diana's unwashed clothes when she wasn't home. Diana's dirty clothes were used as a medium for Jalil to send his love spell. After undergoing treatment with the religious teacher for two months, Diana gradually recovered.

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