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Kini Disegani karena Ilmu dan Hartanya, Masa Lalu Imam Masjid Ini Ternyata Kelam: Pernah Bangkrut, 8 Tahun Tak Sholat

"Now Respected for Knowledge and Wealth, It Turns Out This Mosque Imam's Past is Dark: Once Bankrupt, Didn't Pray for 8 Years"

Dream - Becoming an imam certainly makes him respected and admired by many people, not only among the mosque congregation, but also in the local community. However, who would have thought that behind his noble personality and good character, this imam actually has a dark past.

It turns out, before becoming an imam, he had lived a life full of sins for many years!

Now Respected for His Knowledge and Wealth, This Mosque Imam's Dark Past: Once Bankrupt, Didn't Pray for 8 Years

"Story of a Mosque Imam"

Ustaz from Malaysia, Mohamed Hanafiah Abdul Malek, tells the story of an imam who once experienced a great trial in his life. According to Ustaz Hanafi, the imam had many abilities. He could be an imam, a muezzin, and a good person. However, before becoming what he is now, the imam faced a heavy test of faith.

"In his youth, the imam once lived in Mecca, then returned to Malaysia in 1997. The imam then borrowed money from a bank to build an apartment project in Langkawi."

Now Respected for His Knowledge and Wealth, This Mosque Imam's Dark Past: Once Bankrupt, Didn't Pray for 8 Years

However, due to the power of Allah, his business faced difficulties, he incurred debts and went bankrupt for 14 years. In a Facebook post, Ustaz Hanafi shared his encounter with the imam while delivering a sermon at a mosque. He mentioned that the imam felt hopeless due to the trials he faced.

"He said, 'I am a good person, always praying and giving charity. I work without engaging in corruption, but suddenly You made me go bankrupt, Oh Allah!'," said Ustaz Hanafi as he began his story. The Imam rebelled! For seven to eight years, he refused to pray. He committed sins without feeling anything. When Allah withdrew His guidance, he felt nothing."

Life Becomes Difficult

Furthermore, Ustaz Hanafi explained that the imam faced great difficulty in settling his very large debt. "He struggled hard to pay off his debt, which amounted to 14 million ringgit. He tried various ways." Starting from running a canteen at the university to becoming an insurance agent, but his life remained difficult," he said.

However, one day, the man's heart was moved to approach the surau and mosque again. The man finally regained Allah's guidance. He began to pray again, read the Al-Quran, and live a religious life.

Now Respected for His Knowledge and Wealth, This Mosque Imam's Dark Past: Once Bankrupt, Didn't Pray for 8 Years

"Allah who Completes All Affairs"

"With the greatness of Allah's power, His sustenance never ceases and continues to overflow until today. His age is now 64 years old. Allah has calmed his heart and resolved his problems. Now he is happy, even owning seven big motorcycles," he said, hoping that the experience of the imam could serve as an example for others."

Now Respected for His Knowledge and Wealth, This Mosque Imam's Dark Past: Once Bankrupt, Didn't Pray for 8 Years

Regarding one of the three stories shared in the same post, Ustaz Hanafi also draws inspiration from the story of the imam. He invites himself and everyone else not to be angry with Allah.

"Do not be angry with Allah when facing difficulties"

"Do not be angry with Allah. Because if we are angry with Allah, we will not get anything. Allah will test us. Do not claim to believe, before we are tested. Let us convince our hearts to remain in faith as much as possible. When we are tested with any trial, quickly return to Allah, then Allah will calm us," he said again."

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