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Phobia Women, This Man Locks Himself for 55 Years in a Remote Hut

Phobia Women, This Man Locks Himself for 55 Years in a Remote Hut

"For most men, having a partner is something most desired and can create memorable moments in every memory. However, men from Rwanda, East Africa, have a unique characteristic as they are reportedly phobic towards women. In addition, the man even spent 55 years locked inside his house. What happens next? Let's find out in the following summary!"

Woman's Phobia, This Man Locks Himself Up for 55 Years in a Remote Hut

A man named Callitxe Nzamwita is suspected to have lived in isolation for 55 years due to his extreme fear of women.

"Reasons He Locks Himself Up"

Callitxe Nzamwita not only isolates himself, but he also builds a big fence. This 71-year-old man chooses to remain isolated because he feels "very scared" if women come to his house. The local village women help him and even take care of Callitex to ensure his survival despite living in fear.

"Imprisoned Since Childhood."

Nzamwita is reported to have started living alone and isolating himself since he was 16 years old. The African man does all activities, including sleeping, cooking, and even urinating, inside the same small wooden shack.

<b>Mengurung Diri Sejak Kecil.</b>

As revealed in the video uploaded on the Afrimax English YouTube channel, Calixte is now 71 years old and has been living for 55 years in a small hut without anyone accompanying him.

Woman's Phobia, This Man Locks Himself Up for 55 Years in a Remote Hut
Woman's Phobia, This Man Locks Himself Up for 55 Years in a Remote Hut

"The reason I locked myself in here and put up a fence around my house is because I want to make sure that women won't approach me," said Callitxe Nzamwita, as quoted by the Daily Star."

"Strangely, even though he is afraid of women, we are the ones who helped him get food and some things he needed," said a local resident who was not named. "When we tried to help him, he didn't want us to get close or talk to him," he continued. "He didn't let us approach him, but he still took what we offered from afar," he added.

"Revealed Suffering from Gynophobia, Rwandan Man Isolates Himself for 55 Years."

The following text has been translated from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags: "This strong-willed bachelor is believed to suffer from gynophobia, an irrational fear of women. Its effects can be triggered by just thinking about women, making Callitxe Nzamwita's life quite difficult."

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The effect can be triggered just by thinking about women, making Callitxe Nzamwita's life quite difficult. Symptoms such as panic attacks, chest tightness, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and feeling faint as well as stomach pain when being close to the opposite sex are all potential symptoms."

Woman's Phobia, This Man Locks Himself Up for 55 Years in a Remote Hut

Although women in the village help in daily life, they are unable to communicate with Callitxe Nzamwita who hides when they approach.

"He spent 55 Years Behind Closed Doors to Avoid Women!" - Here is the Video Uploaded by Afrimax English."

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