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Try Perfume Layering Technique, So the Scent Becomes Different and Long-lasting.

Try Perfume Layering Technique, So the Scent Becomes Different and Long-lasting.

"Dream - Everyone surely has different preferences for perfume scents. Starting from those who prefer strong scents to those who lean towards softer scents. Some people who like signature and unique scents usually do layering with several perfumes."

Try Perfume Layering Technique, to Make the Scent Different and Last Longer

"Sahabat Dream wants to try perfume layering? Some people are still confused about how to properly layer perfumes. Hey, no need to be afraid to try. If you have a collection of perfumes and want to create layered aromas, just try these tricks."

Try Perfume Layering Technique, to Make the Scent Different and Last Longer

"Layering Parfum"

Layering perfume is one way or strategy to create a unique and distinctive scent. According to Pia Long, a fragrance consultant, to create such a perfume scent, different aromas are needed and should be used together.

"Layering can also mean using various products on the body from the same range to enhance the perfume's longevity."
The word Long.


"Benefits of Perfume Layering"

"The specially crafted scent depicts a person's personality, allowing them to create their own perfume blend whenever they feel like it," said Laurice Rahme, founder of Iconic Fragrance House. With perfume layering, it also provides an opportunity for you to explore and create scents that reflect your personality and mood."


"How to Layer Perfume"

Layering perfume can be started by applying scented lotion after bathing, then spraying a stronger perfume scent first and a lighter one at specific points, such as the wrists and neck. According to Long, spraying citrus scent after sandalwood scent will make the perfume scent last longer. Thus, both mixtures become a unique scent for your body.


"The easiest way is to find a fragrance that is not too complicated, for example, a distinctive base aroma like vanilla, then add something more complex on top of it."
ucap Long.


"Mixture of Suitable Aromas"

"Before layering perfume, it's best if you have understood the different layers in each fragrance, such as top notes, middle notes, and base notes. Each aroma has different characteristics and longevity."

Campuran Aroma yang Cocok<br>

For beginners, you can start by combining two similar aromas. If you have different preferences, you can create contrasting aroma combinations like spices and vanilla. "My suggestion is to experiment, and you might find pleasant surprises. Classic examples of combinations are vanilla, resin, and bergamot, rose and patchouli, or herbs with citrus," said Long.

"Layering Perfume to Avoid"

Rahme suggests to further explore the selection of perfume layers to create a scent that suits each individual's personality. However, she also advises to be careful not to combine two scents that are too strong together, as it can result in an overwhelming aroma.


"On the other hand, Long also recommends limiting perfume layering by spraying a maximum of two perfumes for a stronger scent and a maximum of three perfumes for a lighter scent."

Try Perfume Layering Technique, to Make the Scent Different and Last Longer

"How to Make Long-Lasting Fragrance"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The endurance of perfume scent on the body is not only influenced by its formula, but also by the chemical factors that come from the user's body. This is what explains why the same perfume can produce different scents on each individual."

Pure perfume generally has a longer lasting power compared to perfume mixed with alcohol. In addition, hydrated skin can enhance the longevity of the scent, making it stick and last longer. When layering perfume, it is best to start with lotion as a base, followed by oil, and finish with alcohol-based perfume to create an optimal combination of scents. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source:

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