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Hati-Hati! Hindari 7 Makanan Ini setelah Mengonsumsi Daging Kurban, Tidak Baik untuk Pencernaan Kamu

Be careful! Avoid these 7 foods after consuming sacrificial meat, not good for your digestion.

Dream - Eid al-Adha moments are usually enlivened with dishes made from meat. For example, rendang, satay, curry, tongseng, and so on. All of them look delicious when combined with white rice and other side dishes. Then they are eaten together with family and relatives. Not only dishes made from meat, but each family also often adds other dishes to the dining table to make it more diverse. However, Dream friends should be careful that there are some foods that should not be consumed after eating meat. What are they?

The following is a list of foods that should not be consumed after eating meat as compiled by Dream from various sources.

Be careful! Avoid these 7 foods after consuming sacrificial meat, not good for your digestion

1. Caffeinated Drinks

Beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed by Dream's friend after eating meat. Meat itself is a source of heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body compared to non-heme iron found in plant-based foods. According to the National Institutes of Health, heme is a compound that contains biologically important iron and is a source of iron in food. When you drink caffeinated beverages, it can interfere with the absorption of heme iron in meat.

2. Durian

Other foods that should not be consumed after eating meat are durians. Durian itself is a fruit that causes a heating effect. When you consume meat and then continue to consume durian, it can cause heat in the body. This can also cause inflammation.

Be careful! Avoid these 7 foods after consuming sacrificial meat, not good for your digestion

3. Potatoes

Friend, it is best to avoid eating potatoes after eating meat. Especially if it is fried potatoes. Because fried potatoes contain high levels of trans fat. Therefore, it is dangerous for the body's health. If potatoes and meat are consumed together, it can cause effects on the body, such as fatigue, weakness, and cholesterol problems.

4. Watermelon

Eating watermelon after consuming oily and coconut milk-based foods is indeed refreshing. However, this is not recommended. Consuming watermelon after eating meat can reduce the nutritional effects of the meat. It is better to consume watermelon before eating meat. This way, you can quickly feel full and not excessively indulge in meat dishes.

Be careful! Avoid these 7 foods after consuming sacrificial meat, not good for your digestion

5. Eggs

Other foods that should be avoided after eating meat are eggs. It is important for Dream friends to know that protein is the most difficult substance for the body to digest. Imagine if you eat meat and eggs together, where both contain protein, this will make digestion difficult.

6. Cheese

Does Dream's friend like to eat cheese? Although it is a favorite food, it is best for you not to consume cheese after eating meat. Because the protein contained in cheese is as high as the protein in meat. By doing so, this will make your digestion difficult because it is consumed together. So, it is better for you to replace it with other complementary foods for the sacrificial meat dish. For example, vegetables.

Be careful! Avoid these 7 foods after consuming sacrificial meat, not good for your digestion

7. Dairy Products

Other foods that are not recommended to be consumed after eating meat are dairy products. This is because dairy itself contains protein. Therefore, it is not good to combine it with meat, which also contains protein. As a result, it can make the stomach feel uncomfortable, bloated, and can cause digestive problems.

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