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The following is the translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags: "Mi Samyang Facts that Were Recalled in Denmark for Being Spicy and Considered Toxic"

Facts about Mi Samyang that was Recalled in Denmark due to its Spiciness Considered Toxic

Dream - Spicy food for the Indonesian people and many Asian countries is a common thing. Some foods even have extremely spicy flavors and always make people curious and popular to buy.

Facts about Mi Samyang that was Recalled in Denmark due to its Spiciness Considered Toxic

One of the products famous for its extremely spicy taste is Korean noodles, Samyang. The product even went viral through the Samyang Challenge on various social media platforms.

Facts about Mi Samyang that was Recalled in Denmark due to its Spiciness Considered Toxic

For spicy food lovers, that Korean noodles are certainly a regular and safe dish to eat, but who would have thought that in Denmark it is considered as poisonous food. By the Danish regulator, Samyang products are even withdrawn from circulation because they are deemed dangerous.

1. 3 Products Withdrawn.

The following text is in 'Bahasa' and will be translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This of course surprised many people, especially fans of this spicy noodle. Here are the facts about the withdrawal of Samyang in Denmark. Three Samyang Foods products were withdrawn by food inspectors in Denmark. These products were found to have a higher level of capsaicin or spiciness compound than average."


The three products are Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken instant ramen, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken instant ramen, and Hot Chicken Stew. Currently, these products are no longer sold in Denmark. "The capsaicin content in each package is very high, which can pose a risk of severe poisoning for consumers," said the Danish Food Agency in their statement.

2. Requested to be Returned or Discarded

"Not only that, the Danish government also issued a warning regarding children who still consume instant ramen. It is advised that Danish citizens who still have the product should return it to the store or dispose of it."


"Jika masyarakat masih punya produk tersebut, diharapkan untuk dibuang atau dikembalikan ke toko tempat produk dibeli," ungkap pernyataan Badan Pangan Denmark. Orangtua juga diimbau untuk segera menelpon layanan Poison Line Denmark kalau anak-anak menunjukkan gejala keracunan setelah makan mie Samyang jenis itu." " If the community still has the product, it is expected to be disposed of or returned to the store where the product was purchased," said a statement from the Danish Food Agency. Parents are also urged to immediately call the Poison Line Denmark service if children show symptoms of poisoning after consuming that type of Samyang noodles."

3. Samyang Party Feels Confused

In response to the withdrawal of its products in Denmark, Samyang Food acknowledged that this incident is the first time it has occurred. Therefore, Samyang will ensure to adjust its products to comply with local food regulations in the export market.


"The product has been exported worldwide at present. However, this is the first time the product is being recalled for this reason," said a spokesperson from Samyang Foods. Samyang instant ramen is indeed very popular in various parts of the world. Their Buldak Carbonara ramen is especially viral on TikTok and has made people interested in trying Samyang."

Facts about Mi Samyang that was Recalled in Denmark due to its Spiciness Considered Toxic

"Not only ordinary citizens, even celebrities like Cardi B make a storygram of themselves looking for this instant ramen. If Sahabat Dream is one of those who can handle the spiciness of this noodle or not? Report by Salma Rihhadatul Aisy / Source: The Guardian"

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