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Pengalaman Content Creator Coba Mangga Rp 7,5 Juta, Simak Reaksi Warganet

"Content Creator Experience Trying Mangga Rp 7.5 Million, Check Out Warganet's Reaction"

Content Creator's Experience Trying a Mango Worth IDR 7.5 Million, What Does It Taste Like?

"Dream - The sweet taste and chewy texture of mangoes make them popular among people from various countries. On average, the price of this fruit is Rp36-50 thousand per kilogram. Have you ever tasted a mango worth Rp7.5 million?"

Mangga dengan harga jutaan untuk dua buah itu berasal dari Jepang dan dinamakan Red Miyazaki. Di negara asalnya, buah ini dijuluki 'Taiyo-no-Tamago' yang artinya 'Telur Matahari' karena bentuknya menyerupai telur dan kulitnya dominan berwarna merah seperti matahari.

Content Creator's Experience Trying a Mango Worth IDR 7.5 Million, What Does It Taste Like?

Meanwhile, the fruit flesh is thick and reddish yellow in color. The average weight of this fruit is 350 grams with a sugar content that is 15% higher than other types of mangoes. Red Miyazaki mango is a descendant of the Irwin mango variety created in Florida in the 1940s. Many netizens wonder about the taste of this mango because it is so expensive. Local Culinary Content Creator and owner of the Instagram account @nanakoot shared his experience trying Red Miyazaki mango.

"\u201cSeven and a half million mangoes! How does it taste, huh,\u201d he said while showing a mango fruit with a very contrasting color."

Content Creator's Experience Trying a Mango Worth IDR 7.5 Million, What Does It Taste Like?
Content Creator's Experience Trying a Mango Worth IDR 7.5 Million, What Does It Taste Like?

"His name is Red Miyazaki. If the price is 7.5 million, maybe you can eat it one by one," he said while showing the yellowish fruit flesh that has been split.

Content Creator's Experience Trying a Mango Worth IDR 7.5 Million, What Does It Taste Like?

Nanakoot also tried the mango and expressed its taste. "It's sweet, indeed. Its sweetness is refreshing, sweet with a hint of sourness. But the flesh is thick. Truly super juicy," he said while finishing half of the Japanese mango.

Content Creator's Experience Trying a Mango Worth IDR 7.5 Million, What Does It Taste Like?

"Not only did she try it herself, her mother also tasted the mango. Her mother liked the very sweet taste of the mango, but she was shocked when she found out the price. 'I'd rather have the money given to me,' she said."

Other reactions came from netizens who commented on the post. "Oh my God, if I had 7.5 million, I would use it as capital for a business, buy ordinary mangoes as long as they taste like mango," said the account @indaahhanday2198. "Oh my God, you can buy how many sacks of rice with that," said the account @novi.ynti16. "The seeds must be planted, Ci, a few years later you can harvest them. Oh my God, 7.5 million for the price of mangoes?" added @hildaclarita_hb.

As a conclusion, Nanakoot said, "Those who are brave enough can watch it while holding their breath. As for the sultans, feel free to give it a try!" So, what do you think, Dream friends? Are you interested in trying this sultan fruit? Report: Aykaputri Amalia Rahmani

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