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Scientific Reasons Why Ice Coffee Becomes a Lifestyle Trend

Scientific Reasons Why Ice Coffee Becomes a Lifestyle Trend

Scientific Reasons Why Iced Coffee Becomes a Lifestyle Trend

Dream - Drinking coffee has become a strong Indonesian culture from time to time. If in the past, drinking coffee was only a habit done at certain times, now coffee culture has upgraded to cafes and has become a field of work.

The following is the translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags: "Because the trend of drinking coffee has led many people to open new cafes to attract customers who want to gather together, work, or simply try different coffee flavors. Although it has been a habit for years, coffee trends always change. Now, the trend is towards consuming iced coffee. The emergence of this trend also has a scientific explanation. One reason for the emergence of this trend is that iced coffee has become part of the routine."

"Like any other routine, once formed, it will become a habit. And if iced coffee is part of the daily routine, people may continue to do it out of habit,"

According to Deborah Gilman, an American psychologist quoted from the New York Post.

Scientific Reasons Why Iced Coffee Becomes a Lifestyle Trend

Having the same routine can also make someone feel more psychologically comfortable because Sahabat Dream does not need to determine new habits.

"Routine has a stabilizing effect on an unpredictable world, and knowing what to do can make someone feel more comfortable and less anxious. In addition, according to research, caffeine in both hot and cold coffee has been proven to have a positive impact on mood."

Although, not everyone likes the sharp taste of coffee. The taste of coffee can become even sharper when brewed with warm or hot water. This is because coffee is a substance that is sensitive to temperature.

Scientific Reasons Why Iced Coffee Becomes a Lifestyle Trend

Iced Coffee is More Preferred

That is also the reason why more people prefer iced coffee because its taste is more easily accepted and not too strong. People who do not like the bitter and acidic taste of coffee will also find it easier to like iced coffee. Iced coffee can make someone feel fresher and more focused in any condition. Meanwhile, hot coffee can make you feel calmer.

Scientific Reasons Why Iced Coffee Becomes a Lifestyle Trend

"Regardless of the taste, drinking iced coffee is synonymous with the lifestyle of young consumers," said Johny Morrisson, a coffee enthusiast in America. The popularity of iced coffee is also supported by marketing techniques of the beverage."

"Ice coffee is often mixed with various other beverage ingredients to create unique visual and taste experiences. This is what makes it difficult to compete with hot coffee. How about you, do you also enjoy drinking ice coffee, Sahabat Dream? Report: Salma Rihhadatul Aisy"

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