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Resep Arem-Arem Ayam dari Mi, Jajanan Nikmat Langsung Hap

Recipe for Arem-Arem Ayam from Mi, Delicious Snack Directly Hap

Chicken and Noodle Arem-Arem Recipe, Delicious Snacks Directly Hap

Dream - Arem-arem is a traditional snack that is very popular in Indonesia, especially in Central Java. This food is often used as a gift at family events. Sometimes it is also made for afternoon snacks or breakfast.

Chicken and Noodle Arem-Arem Recipe, Delicious Snacks Directly Hap

Traditional arem-arem is made from sticky rice filled with vegetables or other ingredients, then wrapped in banana leaves and cooked until done. The taste is a combination of sweetness and savory, and it is quite filling.

Chicken and Noodle Arem-Arem Recipe, Delicious Snacks Directly Hap

Variations of arem-arem are increasing, including more modern types such as arem-arem with various fillings. Here is a simple recipe to make chicken arem-arem, one of the easy-to-make and sellable variants.

Recipe for Arem-Arem Ayam

Chicken Filling Ingredients: 1 medium-sized potato, peeled and diced 1 small-sized carrot, peeled and diced 6 small-sized green beans, sliced ​​100 grams of chicken fillet 3 cloves of garlic ½ onion ¾ teaspoon of salt ½ teaspoon of pepper powder ½ teaspoon of mushroom powder broth ½ teaspoon of granulated sugar 1 stalk of spring onion, thinly sliced ​​3 tablespoons of cooking oil

Chicken and Noodle Arem-Arem Recipe, Delicious Snacks Directly Hap

Rice Ingredients:400 gr of rice800 ml of coconut milk2 stalks of lemongrass, bruise the white part3 bay leaves½ tsp of salt½ tsp of pepper powderBanana leavesToothpicks

How to Make: Boil water, add bay leaves and crushed garlic. Add chicken, cook until tender and broth comes out. Set aside. Heat cooking oil, sauté garlic and onions until fragrant. Add potato, carrot, and green beans. Cook until tender. Pour in boiled chicken broth. Add salt, pepper, broth, and sugar. Adjust the taste. Add spring onions, reduce heat. Cook until the water reduces. Remove from heat and set aside. Wash rice, put it in a pot together with lemongrass, bay leaves, and coconut milk.

Chicken and Noodle Arem-Arem Recipe, Delicious Snacks Directly Hap

Cook with a small fire while continuously stirring. Adjust the taste and transfer to a larger container. Let it cool. Clean the banana leaves, wipe them until dry. Shake the banana leaves on the stove until the leaves become limp and easy to fold. Take a sufficient amount of rice, place it on plastic. Shape the concave part in the middle of the rice, fill it with filling ingredients, approximately 1 tablespoon. Close and twist the plastic by pressing it firmly.

Release the plastic and roll the rice onto the banana leaf. Secure it with toothpicks. Tidy up. Steam it, put in the arem-arem, and cook over medium heat for about 40 minutes. Arem-arem is ready to be served. Source:

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