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"10 Tips Cooking Beef Ribs to Make It Tender and Juicy"

10 Tips to Cook Tender Beef Ribs with Deeply Infused Seasoning

Dream - Processing beef ribs to be tender and delicious indeed requires the right cooking technique. If processed incorrectly, the ribs that could have been a delightful dish can instead become tough and unpleasantly aromatic.

10 Tips to Cook Tender Beef Ribs with Deeply Infused Seasoning

"To cook ribs, there are several important steps that must be noted. For Sahabat Dream who will cook ribs on Idul Adha later, try to do the following tips."

1. Pilih Iga Sapi Berkualitas<br>

1. Choose Quality Beef Ribs

Select high-quality beef ribs, make sure they have good fat marbling. This fat helps maintain the tenderness of the meat when cooked.

2. Marinasi dengan Tepat<br>

2. Marinate Properly

Use lemon juice, vinegar, or yogurt in marinade to tenderize the meat fibers, and add seasonings such as garlic and sweet soy sauce. Marinate for at least 4-6 hours or overnight.

3. Proper Cooking Techniques

Slow Roasting: Cook the ribs at low temperature (120-140°C) for 3-4 hours. Braising: Use a small amount of liquid (broth or wine) in a covered pot at low temperature for 2-3 hours. Grilling: Preheat the grill first, then cook the ribs over low heat after a quick initial roasting.


4. Using a Pressure Cooker

Cook the ribs in a pressure cooker with a little liquid for 30-40 minutes to get tender meat in a short time.


5. Rest the Meat

Let the beef ribs rest for a few minutes after cooking to redistribute the juices, so they remain juicy and tender when sliced.


6. Use Meat Tenderizer Ingredient

Enzymes in pineapple or papaya effectively break down meat fibers. Rub a little pineapple or papaya on beef ribs before cooking or mix it in marinade.

7. Memasak dengan Teknik Sous Vide<br>

7. Cooking with Sous Vide Technique

Soak the meat in a vacuum bag and cook it in low temperature water (56-60\u00b0C) for 24-48 hours for tender results.


8. Use of Broth and Sauce

Cooking ribs with broth or sauce will enhance the taste and make the meat juicier. Make your own broth or use ready-to-use high-quality broth.


9. Temperature and Time Control

Cook with low temperature and long time for tender results. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the ribs reach a safe internal temperature (85-90°C).

10. Final Touch

10. Final Touch

Apply barbecue sauce or your favorite glaze to the cooked ribs, then grill briefly to caramelize the sauce and create a sweet and savory layer on the outside of the meat. Source: Diadona.

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