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Recipe Capcay Soup, Healthy Menu After Eid All Coconut Milk

Recipe Capcay Soup, Healthy Menu After Eid All Coconut Milk

Capcay Soup Recipe, Healthy Menu After Lebaran with Coconut Milk

"Dream - During the Lebaran holiday, the menus usually served are meat and chicken with rich spices and coconut milk. The taste is indeed very delicious, but make sure Sahabat Dream also consumes vegetables. "

Capcay Soup Recipe, Healthy Menu After Lebaran with Coconut Milk

One delicious vegetable menu that you can make is, capcay soup. The combination of savory seasoning and sweet vegetables, as well as rich in nutrients and healthy after consuming a lot of coconut milk and fatty foods. Here is a selection of recipes that are summarized from Cookpad.

Gina's Kitchen's Thick and Sweet Sour Capcay Soup

Ingredients:1 large carrot3 button mushrooms5 young corns3 leaves of green mustard2 leaves of cabbage5 beef meatballsBroccoliCauliflower1/2 onion1 large garlic23 ml oyster sauce (1 sachet of Saori oyster sauce)2 tablespoons of tomato sauce (2 small sachets of tomato sauce)

Capcay Soup Recipe, Healthy Menu After Lebaran with Coconut Milk

1 teaspoon of salt2 teaspoons of granulated sugar1 tablespoon of fish sauce1 tablespoon of sesame oil3 tablespoons of cornstarch dissolved in 6 tablespoons of water2 glasses of water

How to Make: Cut all the vegetables and meatballs according to taste. Cut the onion and chop the garlic. Heat a little oil in a pan, then sauté the onion and garlic. Pour all the chopped vegetables. Then, stir briefly. Pour 2 medium-sized glasses of water. Pour 23 ml of oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon of fish sauce, and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil. Stir until well combined.

Add 1 tsp of salt and 2 tsp of sugar. Then, stir until evenly distributed. Pour in the dissolved cornstarch. Stir quickly until evenly distributed. Wait a moment for the seasoning to penetrate and then turn off the stove. If the taste is lacking, you can add more seasoning according to your preference.

Capcay Soup Recipe, Healthy Menu After Lebaran with Coconut Milk

Esty's Red Soup Capcay

Ingredients: A bunch of cabbage flowers A package of sliced ​​putren A handful of roughly sliced green mustard greens A handful of roughly sliced ​​pokcoy 1 thickly sliced carrot 1 package of sliced ​​meatballs 26 quail eggs 3 tablespoons of chili sauce 4 small sachets of tomato sauce 1 teaspoon of sweet soy sauce 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce


How to Make: Clean all vegetables, Cut according to taste. Slice the meatballs too. Sauté the garlic until fragrant. Add the vegetable, meatballs, and quail eggs. Add a little water. Then add the sauce and soy sauce. After half-cooked, add the mustard greens. After cooked, add the cornstarch solution. Stir briefly. Turn off the heat. Ready to serve ❤️❤️🙏 Source: Cookpad.

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