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Resep Nasi Goreng Kimchi Gochujang yang Sering Dimasak di Drakor

Recipe for Kimchi Gochujang Fried Rice often Cooked in Drakor

Kimchi Gochujang Fried Rice Recipe Often Cooked in Drakor

Dream - Who doesn't like fried rice? Fried rice is indeed a favorite food for many people. Its distinctive taste and aroma make this dish one of the simple menus, yet still delicious.

Kimchi Gochujang Fried Rice Recipe Often Cooked in Drakor

In Korea, there is also a fried rice menu but of course the recipe is different from in Indonesia. Instead of using soy sauce, Koreans make fried rice using gochujang sauce, which is a spicy red sauce that is the main ingredient in various Korean dishes.

Korean Fried Rice that Abounds in Korean Dramas

Make Dream friends who like to watch drakor or are fans of K-Pop groups, of course, you are not unfamiliar with kimchi fried rice, right? Curious about the taste of kimchi fried rice? No need to go far to Korea, you can directly cook kimchi fried rice at home. Let's follow step by step the recipe for kimchi fried rice gochujang shared by Chef Anes at the cooking demo event Korean Fair Seoul of Hero.


Recipe for Kimchi Gochujang Fried Rice

Ingredients: Cold rice 2 eggs Instant kimchi Halal gochujang pasta sauce (1 tbsp per serving) Oil for stir-frying

Kimchi Gochujang Fried Rice Recipe Often Cooked in Drakor

Ingredients and Other Ingredients: Onions and garlic according to taste, finely chopped Salt and seasoning 1 tablespoon sesame oil Enough green onions

"How to Make:\u00a0"

Step 1 - Crack 2 eggs into a bowl, then whisk until the whites and yolks are mixed. - Also prepare instant kimchi in packaging that can be bought at Korean supermarkets like Hero Supermarket. "Take out a few pieces of instant kimchi, then cut them into smaller pieces," said Chef Anes at the cooking demo Korean Fair Hero Supermarket on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

Kimchi Gochujang Fried Rice Recipe Often Cooked in Drakor

Step 2 - Enter the sauté that has been beaten earlier into the pan with a little preheated oil. - After adding the eggs, Sahabat Dream can immediately add chopped garlic and onions according to taste. "Sauté the eggs and onions together so that the aroma comes out," said chef Anes giving tips.

Step 3- When the eggs and onions have started to release their aroma, add gochujang sauce to the pan. "Add 1 tablespoon of gochujang sauce for 1 serving of fried rice. So if you want to make two servings, add another tablespoon of gochujang sauce," said the chef sharing tips.

Step 4- After that, add kimchi and sauté together with eggs and gochujang sauce that has been mixed.- After the eggs, kimchi, and seasonings are evenly mixed, Sahabat Dream can start putting rice into the pan. Step 5- After the rice is put in, sauté the fried rice until fragrant and evenly mixed. Add salt and seasoning- Add the separated kimchi seasoning. - After the fried rice is cooked, add green onions and sesame oil.

Step 6- After all the steps have been done, kimchi gochujang fried rice is ready to be served.- Dream friends can add garnishes such as fried onions, grated crispy fried potatoes, or vegetables such as carrots and lettuce. Kimchi gochujang fried rice, a typical Korean dish, is ready! Easy, right, Dream friends?Report: Salma Rihhadatul Aisy

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