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"Before Being Questioned by Anies, Hundreds of Thousands of Hectares of Prabowo Subianto's Land Were Actually Mentioned by Jokowi During the 2019 Presidential Debate"

Dream - Hundreds of thousands of hectares of land owned by Prabowo Subianto, which was mentioned by Anies Baswedan during the third presidential candidate debate, was actually discussed by Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during the 2019 presidential candidate debate. After Anies mentioned the issue of Prabowo's land associated with the welfare of the Indonesian National Army (TNI), videos of the debate between Jokowi and Prabowo in the 2019 presidential election resurfaced on social media.

Jokowi Mentioned Prabowo's Land

Jokowi, who at the time was a presidential candidate, stated that Prabowo owns hundreds of thousands of hectares of land located in Aceh and East Kalimantan.

Jokowi Mentioned Prabowo's Land

"I know Mr. Prabowo has a large land in East Kalimantan measuring 220,000 hectares, and 120,000 hectares in Central Aceh. Remember, divisions like this were not done during my administration," said Jokowi in the Presidential debate, Sunday, February 17, 2019, quoted from

In that debate, Prabowo also clarified about the land he owns. According to Prabowo, the land actually belongs to the state, but its status is a right to use or HGU.

Before Anies Questioned It, Hundreds of Thousands of Hectares of Prabowo Subianto's Land Were Actually Mentioned by Jokowi During the 2019 Presidential Debate

"I truly own hundreds of thousands of hectares of land, that is HGU (right of cultivation), owned by the state," said Prabowo at that time. Prabowo also allows the state to take it if they want. As long as the land is not managed by foreign parties. "For the sake of the country, I am willing to manage it rather than giving it to foreigners. I am a nationalist and a patriot," he emphasized."

Before Anies Questioned It, Hundreds of Thousands of Hectares of Prabowo Subianto's Land Were Actually Mentioned by Jokowi During the 2019 Presidential Debate

Candidate number 01 for president, Anies Baswedan, once again mentioned the land owned by Prabowo. The former Governor of Jakarta linked it to the disparity in welfare between TNI members and the Minister of Defense, who is held by Prabowo Subianto himself. "There is nothing to be kept secret. Mr. (Prabowo Subianto) owns 340,000 hectares of land, but half of the soldiers do not have official housing. This is a deficiency that needs to be fixed," said Anies.

What is the actual HGU?

The use of land HGU is regulated in Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning the Basic Agrarian Principles. The law regulates the basics and provisions of ownership, possession, use, and utilization of national agrarian resources in Indonesia.

Before Anies Questioned It, Hundreds of Thousands of Hectares of Prabowo Subianto's Land Were Actually Mentioned by Jokowi During the 2019 Presidential Debate

In Section IV of Law No 5 of 1960, Articles 28 to 34 explain about HGU (Right to Cultivate). Here is the explanation: Section IV, Right to Cultivate Article 28(1) Right to cultivate is the right to cultivate land directly controlled by the State, for a certain period of time as specified in Article 29, for agricultural, fisheries, or livestock companies.

Article 29(1) The right to use a business is granted for a maximum period of 25 years. (2) For companies that require a longer period, the right to use a business can be granted for a maximum period of 35 years. (3) Upon request of the right holder and considering the company's circumstances, the aforementioned period in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this article can be extended for a maximum period of 25 years.

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