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Segini Besaran Santunan untuk Korban Meninggal Kecelakaan KA di Cicalengka

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "This is the Amount of Compensation for the Victims of the Train Accident in Cicalengka".

Dream - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) announced the amount of cash assistance for the victims of the Turangga Train accident with the Bandung Raya Local Train. This compensation is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No.15 of 2017.

"Santunan Korban Meninggal Dunia" translates to "Compensation for Deceased Victims" in English.

In the policy, the deceased victim will receive compensation from Jasa Raharja amounting to Rp50 million. The money will be handed over to the rightful heirs.

"Santunan Korban Luka" translates to "Compensation for Injured Victims" in English.

Then, for the injured victims, Jasa Raharja has issued a guarantee letter for medical expenses (guarantee letter) of up to Rp20 million which will be paid to the hospital where the victims are being treated.

This is the Amount of Compensation for the Victims of the Train Accident in Cicalengka

Secretary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Rabin Indrajad Hattari, said that PT KAI also provided assistance amounting to Rp87.5 million to the train driver on behalf of Julian Dwi Setiyono.

Meanwhile, the Assistant Machinist named Ponisam was given compensation amounting to Rp96.3 million. In addition, KAI Services provided compensation of Rp13 million each to Train Attendant named Ardiansyah and Security named Enjang Yudi. The deceased victims were known to consist of four people who were identified as machinists, assistant flight attendants, stewards, and security personnel.

"The number of deceased victims amounted to 4 people, all of whom were KAI officers, consisting of: the Train Engineer, Assistant Train Engineer, Flight Attendant, and Security," said Rabin quoted from, Monday, January 8, 2024.

This is the Amount of Compensation for the Victims of the Train Accident in Cicalengka

There were no fatalities among the passengers. It is known that the Turangga train had a total of 287 passengers, while the Bandung Local train had 191 passengers. Approximately 33 passengers suffered minor injuries and have been taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. Currently, some of the victims have already returned to their respective homes.

"Regarding the train accident incident, Rabin requested PT KAI to improve the quality standards of train transportation services. 'From this incident, we hope that KAI will continue to make continuous improvements in the management of train transportation in Indonesia and collaborate with all parties to provide safe, comfortable, and high-quality public transportation for the community,' concluded Rabin."

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