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BPDPKS Reveals 'Million' Benefits of Palm Oil that Not Many People Know, What Are They?

BPDPKS Reveals 'Million' Benefits of Palm Oil that Not Many People Know, What Are They?

Dream - The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDP KS) held a talk show 'A Million Benefits of Palm Goodness' on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at Azana Suite Hotel Antasari. Indonesia is the largest producer of palm oil in the world. Various products, from food and beverages to skincare products, use palm oil as a raw material. In addition to these two derivative products, BPDP KS explained that palm oil has many benefits that have not been widely known by the public.

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Intan Nurcahyani, the Head of the Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (Gapki) Central, revealed that the palm oil industry has been greatly assisting the community, particularly in efforts to alleviate poverty in rural areas."

"Impact (palm oil industry) can be one of the sources of income for workers. Alleviating poverty in rural areas because most of its operational areas are located in remote areas," 

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "words Intan Nurcahyani in the talkshow."


Referring to data from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the palm oil industry in 2021 has provided employment opportunities for 16 million workers, both directly and indirectly. Another interesting finding, according to Intan, is that the total area of palm oil plantations in Indonesia is only 8 percent of the total area of the country. However, with such a large scale, the Indonesian palm oil industry has become the number one contributor to non-oil and gas foreign exchange.

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?

Some examples of regions in Indonesia that manage palm oil plantations include Aceh, Jambi, Riau, Kalimantan, Pekanbaru, and the largest number is in Sumatra. So, what are the products produced from palm oil?

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?

Intan explained that the palm oil products produced are also used for food, chocolate spread, margarine, bread, cereal, biscuits, chips, mayonnaise, and others.

"Palm oil, which we previously only saw as cooking oil, only for frying, so actually our products, from the moment we open our eyes until we sleep again within 24 hours, there are so many products made from palm oil,""

Word Intan.


Not only that, palm oil can also be used for skincare and cosmetics such as foundation, lipstick, powder, and beauty products. Other derivative products from palm oil are clothing, earrings, soap, shampoo, and even mosquito repellent night cream. To support the national foreign exchange, Intan revealed that Indonesia has been exporting crude palm oil, processed palm oil, finished products based on palm oil such as cooking oil, biodiesel, and oleochemicals.

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: Banyaknya produk turunan tersebut turut mendorong pelaku usaha berinovasi dalam pemanfaatan minyak kelapa sawit menjadi biodiesel. Inovasi ini dinilai sebagai terobosan membantu meningkatkan cadangan bahan bakar minyak yang selama ini banyak bergantung pada minyak bumi.

Biodiesel merupakan bahan bakar berbahan campuran antara minyak solar dengan minyak kelapa sawit. The abundance of these derivative products also encourages business actors to innovate in utilizing palm oil as biodiesel. This innovation is considered a breakthrough in helping to increase the reserves of oil fuel which has long relied heavily on petroleum. Biodiesel is a fuel made from a mixture of diesel oil and palm oil.

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?

"The most popular thing is in the energy sector, currently there is also appreciation for the government on how the government has a biodiesel program. This is one of the very good breakthroughs, because it is undeniable that our petroleum reserves have been depleted, what will we use in the future? So this biodiesel breakthrough is one of the programs that supports the sustainability of the palm oil industry."

terang Intan. Translation: bright Intan.

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?

"In running its business, Intan ensures that all members of Gapki, consisting of 725 companies, are always committed to complying with regulations in conducting their operational business, including sustainability aspects."

"And regarding the management of this plantation, we are indeed very concerned about sustainability aspects and also comply with the rules initiated by the government."

clear Intan.


Introduction to the palm oil industry is also targeted by Gapki towards school children as a positive campaign in the field of education, especially for schools located near palm oil plantations. "We have a special program in the positive campaign section, so we are currently moving towards launching a special compartment in the field of education by 2023," said Intan.

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?

The campaign is driven so that children can get to know the palm oil industry that has a million benefits. "So that children know, they grow up seeing palm oil, and their parents are palm oil farmers," said Intan.

In this talkshow, participants are also taught to utilize palm oil in a simple way by making soap using palm oil as the main ingredient together with Kertabumi Recycling Center, which is considered more natural and free from harmful substances for the body.

BPDPKS Ungkap 'Sejuta' Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Tak Banyak Orang Tahu, Apa Saja?
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