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Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman

"Salary and Allowances of Chief Justice Suhartoyo who Replaced Anwar Usman"

Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman

Dream - Constitutional Justice Suhartoyo now serves as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK). He replaced Anwar Usman, who was dismissed in connection with the decision on the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. This decision is considered a violation of the code of ethics.

Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman

The appointment of Suhartoyo was made after nine constitutional judges reached a consensus during a plenary meeting of judges some time ago. In the future, Suhartoyo will serve as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court for five years.

"We have agreed unanimously to appoint His Excellency Judge Suhartoyo as the new chairman of the Constitutional Court,"

The text in English while preserving the HTML tags would be: "words Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Court Saldi Isra in the Constitutional Court Building Jakarta, quoted from"


As the Chief Justice, Suhartoyo is entitled to a monthly salary of Rp5,040,000, as regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 75 of 2000 concerning the Basic Salary of the Highest/High State Institutions Leaders and Members of State High Institutions as well as the Honorarium of Members of the Highest State Institutions.

Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman
Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman

Not only that, in the provisions stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2014 concerning the Financial Rights and Facilities of Supreme Court Judges and Constitutional Judges.

The Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Suhartoyo, is also entitled to a series of valuable allowances. In article 3, it is mentioned that Financial Rights and Facilities for Supreme Court Judges and Constitutional Judges consist of:

Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman

a. basic salaryb. position allowancec. government housed. transportation facilitiese. health insurancef. security guaranteeg. international travel costsh. protocol positioni. pension incomej. other allowances.It is stated that the position allowance for the Chief Justice Suhartoyo is Rp121,609,000.

It is known that Anwar Usman has been dismissed from his position as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK). Uncle Gibran Rakabuming Raka was declared proven to have violated the ethical code of the MK judge in handling the case of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate age requirement decision.

Gaji dan Tunjangan Ketua MK Suhartoyo yang Gantikan Anwar Usman

The decision was made during the plenary session of the Constitutional Court Honorary Council (MKMK). "Imposing the sanction of dismissal from the position of the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court on the accused judge," said the Chairman of MKMK, Jimly Asshiddiqie, in the MKMK courtroom, MK Building, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday, November 8, 2023.

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