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"Wealth of Suhartoyo who is Elected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court Replacing Anwar Usman"

Suhartoyo's Wealth Selected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court Replacing Anwar Usman

"Dream - Constitutional judge Suhartoyo was agreed upon to become the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) replacing Anwar Usman. Suhartoyo was selected as the chairman through the Deliberation Meeting of Judges (RPH) held at the Constitutional Court Building on Thursday, November 9, 2023."

Harta Kekayaan Suhartoyo

"Wealth of Suhartoyo"

Quoting from the webpage of the State Organizers' Wealth Report (LHKPN), Suhartoyo's total wealth is recorded to reach nearly Rp15 billion. The amount is recorded in accordance with his latest report on March 14, 2023.

The total wealth of Rp14,748,971,796 consists of land and buildings amounting to Rp6.48 billion, total transportation equipment of Rp810 million, and other movable assets of Rp188 million. In addition, there is cash and cash equivalents of Rp7.26 billion. From the LHKPN, it is also known that Suhartoyo does not have any debt.

Suhartoyo's Wealth Selected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court Replacing Anwar Usman

"Land and Buildings"

In his report, Suhartoyo has a total asset in the form of land and buildings worth Rp6,486,585,000 or almost reaching Rp6.5 billion. The land and buildings assets he owns are located in three provinces, namely Lampung, Banten, and Yogyakarta.

Suhartoyo's Wealth Selected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court Replacing Anwar Usman

In the city of Tangerang, Suhartoyo owns land measuring 373 square meters along with a building measuring 332 square meters. This property is the most valuable asset with a price of Rp1.9 billion rupiah. The asset is recorded with the information obtained from personal efforts.

"Transportation Tools and Machines"

Then, there are three transportation tools and machines owned by Suhartoyo worth Rp810 million, all of which were obtained from his own efforts. The three transportation tools and machines are a 1982 Toyota Hard Top Jeep worth Rp100 million; a 1960 Jeep Willys worth Rp60 million, and a 2018 Toyota Alphard G type worth Rp650 million.

Suhartoyo's Wealth Selected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court Replacing Anwar Usman

In addition, the Constitutional Judge who will soon be inaugurated as the Chief of the Constitutional Court also has other movable assets worth IDR 188 million. Furthermore, it is recorded that Suhartoto has assets in the form of cash and cash equivalents worth IDR 7.264 billion or IDR 7,264,386,796.

Suhartoyo will become the Chairman of the Constitutional Court for the period 2023-2028. He will replace Anwar Usman, who was removed by the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) for proven serious ethical violations. Suhartoyo was chosen through a consensus process among constitutional judges in a closed plenary meeting as the first mechanism for selecting the leader of the Constitutional Court, on Thursday, November 9, 2023.

"Agreeing that the elected Chief of the Constitutional Court is His Excellency Dr. Suhartoyo and God willing, the inauguration will take place on Monday in this room,"
The text "kata Wakil Ketua MK Saldi Isra dalam konferensi pers" translates to "words from the Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Saldi Isra, during a press conference" in English.


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