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Prayer for Husband to Always Be Protected While Seeking Sustenance in Distant Places

Prayer for Husband to Always Be Protected While Seeking Sustenance in Distant Places

Dream - Household life will run harmoniously when husband and wife understand and pray for each other. When the husband is working, the wife is advised to always remember to pray for her life partner. The same applies to the husband. If the husband has a risky job or works in a distant place, the wife certainly always prays for her husband to be given health, safety, and blessed sustenance.

Prayer for a husband is a powerful practice and heard by Allah SWT. This promise has been explained in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW:

Prayer for Husband to Always Be Protected when Seeking Fortune in Distant Places
Lantas bagaimana bacaan doa buat suami agar senantiasa terlindungi saat mencari rezeki di tempat jauh? Simak bacaan doanya berikut ini!

Then how to read the prayer for the husband to always be protected when seeking sustenance in a far place? Listen to the following prayer reading!

1. Prayer for Husband to Always Be Protected in Seeking Provision

The following is a prayer for the husband to always be protected while seeking sustenance in a distant place, in Arabic script, Latin pronunciation, and its meaning: "Allahumma ihfazhhu waahmih waij'alhu fi amanika wa hifzhika warzuqhu ar-rizqa al-halal at-tayyiba wa barik lahu fi rizqihi" Meaning: "O Allah, protect and safeguard him. Place him under Your protection and care. Provide him with lawful and good sustenance, and bless his sustenance."

2. Prayer for Husband to Be Protected from Difficulties

Difficulty will definitely be experienced by everyone, including husbands when working to earn a living. So that husbands are protected from burdensome difficulties, a wife can recite the following prayer: "O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and well-being in this world and the hereafter. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and well-being in my religion, my worldly affairs, my family, and my wealth. O Allah, cover my private parts and secure my chastity. O Allah, protect me from in front of me, behind me, on my right, on my left, and from above me. And I seek refuge in Your greatness from being overwhelmed from beneath me."


"O Allah, indeed I seek Your forgiveness and free me from troubles in this world and the hereafter. O Allah, indeed I seek Your forgiveness to be protected from troubles in matters of religion, world, family, and wealth. O Allah, protect my modesty and calm me from fear. O Allah, protect me from the front, back, right, left, and from above, and I seek refuge in Your greatness so that I am not destroyed from beneath me."


3. Prayer for Husband to be Granted Halal Sustenance

The halal wealth can only be obtained through ways that are in accordance with the sharia. In order for the husband to obtain halal sustenance, the wife should recite the following prayer: Rabbighfirlii warhamnii, wajburnii, warfa'nii, warzuqnii, wahdinii. It means: "O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, suffice me, elevate my status, provide sustenance and guidance for me."


4. Prayer for Husband to be Protected from Illicit Sustenance

"Allahumma yaa ghoniyyu yaa hamiid yaa mubdi'u yaa mu'iid yaa rohimu yaa waduud yaa fa'alu lima yuriid agnini bihalaalila, 'an haromika wa bifadlika 'amman siwaaka. Meaning: 'O Allah, my Lord who is Most Rich and Most Praiseworthy, the Lord who Determines and Restores, the Most Merciful and Most Loving. Grant me wealth that is permissible by You, not that which is forbidden, and grant me abundance over others through the blessings of Your grace.'"

As a closing, praying for one's husband is a manifestation of love and deep concern from the wife. By seeking protection and blessings from Allah SWT, we hope that the husband will always be under His protection while seeking sustenance. May these sincere prayers bring goodness, safety, and blessed sustenance to the family. Keep praying and believe that every prayer offered sincerely will bring goodness and blessings in life.

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