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Nestapa Kacung Supriatna, Petani Bekasi Ditagih Rp4 Miliar oleh Bank Padahal Tak Pernah Pinjam Uang

The Misery of Kacung Supriatna, a Farmer from Bekasi, Demanded Rp4 Billion by the Bank Although He Never Borrowed Money.

"Dream - Kacung Supriatna (63), a farmer in Cikarang Village, Jayamulya District, Serangbaru, Bekasi Regency, West Java, was shocked when he received a debt bill of IDR 4 billion. The reason is that he does not feel he has any debt, let alone with such a large amount. Feeling aggrieved, Kacung reported the incident to the Bekasi Metro Police and is registered under the number: LP/B/44/I/2024/SPKT/POLRES METRO BEKASI/POLDA METRO JAYA."

Kronologi Penagihan Rp4 Miliar

The translation of "Kronologi Penagihan Rp4 Miliar" to English is "Chronology of the Collection of Rp4 Billion".

"In 2021, Kacung was visited by three debt collectors who represented one of the banks in Jakarta. The debt collectors came directly to his house and requested that a debt of Rp4 billion be paid."

"Three people came, demanding payment, saying I have a debt of more than Rp3 billion up to Rp4 billion. I don't feel like I owe up to Rp4 billion; I have never borrowed even Rp100 thousand."
the word Kacung, quoted from, Tuesday, January 16, 2024 

The text "" does not contain any translatable content as it is a domain name. Therefore, the translation remains the same: ""

The Misery of Kacung Supriatna, a Bekasi Farmer Demanded Rp4 Billion by the Bank Even Though He Never Borrowed Money

"Putra Kacung, Karyan (41) stated that three debt collectors who came to his house asked about his parents' names and the size of the land owned by his father. After that, the three of them immediately demanded a debt of Rp4 billion."

"Waktu datang menanyakan nama orang tua saya, punya tanah seluas 9.573 meter per segi itu betul pak? Saya bilang betul pak, ini ada tagihan tiba-tiga gitu, dengan jumlah Rp4 miliar pada tahun 2021," katanya."Saya kaget, saya tahunya kan enggak pernah nerima dan ngerasa minjam, orang tua saya juga belum pernah minjam kepada siapa pun, ya intinya enggak pernah ngagunin apa-apa ke siapa pun juga atas nama orang tua saya," lanjutnya."

Claiming by Bringing a Copy of the Land Certificate.

The worker recounted that the three debt collectors showed a photocopy of the land certificate in the name of Kacung Supriatna when they came to collect at his house. The letter contained a statement of the collateral value amounting to Rp3 billion dated May 5, 2003.


"I requested a photocopy but was only given a photo; if it weren't for this, I wouldn't know that my land was mortgaged for Rp4 billion by someone."

The translation of "ujarnya" to English is "he said." So, if it were in an HTML context, it would look like this: ```html he said ``` If you have a specific HTML structure you want to maintain, please provide it, and I can help format the translation accordingly!

The translation of

The translation of "Sertifikat Dipinjam Seseorang" to English is "Certificate Borrowed by Someone".

According to Karyan, the land certificate belonging to his father was held by his uncle for decades. Then the certificate was borrowed by someone and never returned.

"In the past, important letters and documents were held by the oldest sibling, so the certificate documents were also held by my uncle. When I visited, he said that the certificate was borrowed by someone from Karawang a long time ago, I don't know what year it was, I only know that suddenly someone came to demand Rp4 billion for this,""

The translation of "katanya" to English is "he said" or "she said."


The translation of "Diduga Data Palsu" to English is "Allegedly Fake Data."

"Since being billed in 2021, Karyan has been trying to uncover the truth about the data in the photocopy of the land certificate brought by the collector. When cross-checked, he said, the data was suspected to be fake. "I checked yesterday with the notary whose name is written here (on the certificate), and the notary's office is located in Cikarang Barat. I traced it yesterday with my brother, and it turns out that all the data at the notary is fake. I asked for evidence from there, but it was not provided," he said."

The Misery of Kacung Supriatna, a Bekasi Farmer Demanded Rp4 Billion by the Bank Even Though He Never Borrowed Money

Karyan mentioned that the falsified data includes the ID card, the signatures of both parents, and the marriage certificate belonging to his parents. Moreover, his parents never had a marriage certificate, and the photo in the marriage certificate is different from his parents' faces.

"This photo is of someone who looks like a Chinese person, then in the marriage certificate it is written Kacung bin Hasan, my father's name is not Hasan but Salem, then there is also the SPPT, well my father's land SPPT is not under the name Kacung, because the SPPT name has not been changed, but under my grandfather's name, under the name Salem, now suddenly the name has changed to Kacung, only the SPPT number is different, after I checked the SPPT number it is not my father's name but under the name Saitam," said Karyan.

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