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Viral Corpses of Hajj Pilgrims Lying on the Streets of Saudi Arabia, Here's the Explanation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

Viral Corpses of Hajj Pilgrims Lying on the Streets of Saudi Arabia, Here's the Explanation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

Dream - A video shows the bodies of hajj pilgrims lying on the side of the road in Mina, which went viral on social media. The hajj pilgrims are believed to have died due to the extreme heatwave in Saudi Arabia. In response to the video, the Director General of Hajj and Umrah Implementation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), Hilman Latief, affirmed that the hajj pilgrims are not from Indonesia.

Viral Corpses of Hajj Pilgrims Lying on the Streets of Saudi Arabia, Here's the Explanation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

"There are indeed hajj pilgrims who have passed away, but our pilgrims have passed away under good handling by the health team," said Hilman as quoted from, Friday, June 17, 2024. A total of 29 Indonesian hajj pilgrims were recorded to have died during the peak of the hajj implementation. Meanwhile, the circulating video narration mentions that the number of abandoned corpses reaches hundreds."

Viral Corpses of Hajj Pilgrims Lying on the Streets of Saudi Arabia, Here's the Explanation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

"There are allegations that the pilgrims were left behind, but our hajj officers were fully present. There are several spots there and they were immediately handled," said Hilman.

The Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) recorded a total of 29 Indonesian pilgrims who died in Mina. Meanwhile, there were 11 pilgrims who died in Arafah. Therefore, the total number of pilgrims who passed away during the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage is 40.

Viral Corpses of Hajj Pilgrims Lying on the Streets of Saudi Arabia, Here's the Explanation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

"From the data, it is divided that there are those who died in the tents, at the health posts, in Arafah and Mina, at the Jamarat and Saudi Arabian hospitals," said the Head of the Health Division of the Indonesian Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) in Saudi Arabia, Indro Murwoko. Previously, several videos showed some Hajj pilgrims lying on the streets of Saudi Arabia, allegedly deceased, which went viral on social media."

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The bodies are believed to have died from heat stroke following the extreme weather of up to 53 degrees Celsius that struck during this year's hajj season. Account X @yo2thok uploaded several heartbreaking videos of the incident. The account also criticized the Saudi Arabian government for being less responsive in serving the hajj pilgrims."

Viral Corpses of Hajj Pilgrims Lying on the Streets of Saudi Arabia, Here's the Explanation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

A witness said that the bodies were lying on the side of the road near Mina, covered with white ihram until the ambulance arrived.

Minister Evaluates Hajj Peak, Air Conditioning Fails and No Tents

Minister Evaluates Hajj Peak, Air Conditioning Fails and No Tents

Although relatively smooth, the Minister said that the government will continue to evaluate the implementation of the Hajj.

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Menag: Indonesia Gets 221 Thousand Hajj Quotas in 2025

Menag: Indonesia Gets 221 Thousand Hajj Quotas in 2025

Yaqut claimed that the implementation of the 2024 hajj pilgrimage went smoothly.

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Facing Hot Weather up to 48 Degrees, 3 out of 136 Hajj Pilgrims Died from Heatstroke

Facing Hot Weather up to 48 Degrees, 3 out of 136 Hajj Pilgrims Died from Heatstroke

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) recorded that as of Monday, June 17, 2024, a total of 136 Hajj pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia.

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Returning from Mina, Hajj Pilgrims Advised to Delay Tawaf Ifadah for This Reason

Returning from Mina, Hajj Pilgrims Advised to Delay Tawaf Ifadah for This Reason

Pilgrims who have just returned from Mina are advised not to immediately perform Tawaf Ifadah.

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5 Sunnah when Returning from Hajj that Pilgrims Must Know, One of Them is to Pray when Seeing the Border of the Village

5 Sunnah when Returning from Hajj that Pilgrims Must Know, One of Them is to Pray when Seeing the Border of the Village

Through these sunnahs, one can obtain rewards and goodness for oneself and others.

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Hajj Pilgrims' Suitcases Begin to be Weighed Before Returning, When Unpacked Some are Fully Stocked like a Grocery Store

Hajj Pilgrims' Suitcases Begin to be Weighed Before Returning, When Unpacked Some are Fully Stocked like a Grocery Store

The chocolate he brought was planned to be given to his grandchild who is in the pesantren (Islamic boarding school).

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Saudi Arabia Provides Flying Taxis to Transport Pilgrims During the Peak of Hajj

Saudi Arabia Provides Flying Taxis to Transport Pilgrims During the Peak of Hajj

This service will be tested to transport pilgrims between Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafah during this year's Hajj pilgrimage.

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The Oldest Hajj Pilgrim in the World at the Age of 130 Years, Receives Special Reception from the Saudi Kingdom

The Oldest Hajj Pilgrim in the World at the Age of 130 Years, Receives Special Reception from the Saudi Kingdom

Upon arrival at Jeddah International Airport on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, he was warmly welcomed and enthusiastically greeted by officials and fellow Hajj pilgrims.

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Complete Consumption of Hajj Pilgrims in Armuzna, No Need to Bring Rice and Rice Cooker

Complete Consumption of Hajj Pilgrims in Armuzna, No Need to Bring Rice and Rice Cooker

Hajj pilgrims will be provided with ready-to-eat meals during their stay in Armuzna, the menu is adjusted to the taste of Indonesian cuisine.

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Temperature in Mecca Reaches 48 Degrees, Hajj Pilgrims Asked to Rest Sufficiently During the Peak of Hajj

Temperature in Mecca Reaches 48 Degrees, Hajj Pilgrims Asked to Rest Sufficiently During the Peak of Hajj

Pilgrims are asked to immediately rest in the tents that have been provided after completing the series of hajj rituals.

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Towards the Peak of Hajj, Salawat Bus Operations Temporarily Suspended

Towards the Peak of Hajj, Salawat Bus Operations Temporarily Suspended

The Saudi Arabian PPIH will temporarily suspend the salawat bus service on June 11, 2024, at 12.00 (WAS).

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Preparation for Overnight Stay of Hajj Pilgrims in Muzdalifah, Normal and Murur Schemes

Preparation for Overnight Stay of Hajj Pilgrims in Muzdalifah, Normal and Murur Schemes

The Saudi Arabian PPIH divides the movement of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims from Arafah in the 1445 H/2024 Hajj operation into two schemes, normal and murur.

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Note the Rules for Returning Hajj Pilgrims' Belongings to the Homeland, Caught Bringing Zamzam Water Left in the Suitcase

Note the Rules for Returning Hajj Pilgrims' Belongings to the Homeland, Caught Bringing Zamzam Water Left in the Suitcase

Weighing the pilgrims' suitcases will be done starting from June 13 or 3 days before the peak of the Hajj.

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Prohibited to Bring Soil from Makkah or Madinah to Hometown, Apparently This is the Law and Its Consequences

Prohibited to Bring Soil from Makkah or Madinah to Hometown, Apparently This is the Law and Its Consequences

The law and consequences of bringing back forbidden soil to hometown.

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The Healthy Secret of Mbah Ngatemi, the Spirit of Departing for Hajj at the Age of 99

The Healthy Secret of Mbah Ngatemi, the Spirit of Departing for Hajj at the Age of 99

Fond of reminiscing, eating vegetables and cassava bananas, and not consuming fried foods are the secrets to Mbah Ngatemi's healthy body, a 99-year-old hajj pilgrim.

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Lukman's Story, Grilled Meatball Seller Realizes Childhood Dream of Pilgrimage

Lukman's Story, Grilled Meatball Seller Realizes Childhood Dream of Pilgrimage

Working as a grilled meatball seller, Lukman can realize his childhood dream of performing the pilgrimage to the holy land.

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Apart from Regular Hajj Pilgrims, Entry to Arafah and Mina Tents Not Allowed

Apart from Regular Hajj Pilgrims, Entry to Arafah and Mina Tents Not Allowed

The Saudi Arabian PPIH and Masyariq have agreed not to allow any pilgrims, other than regular hajj pilgrims, to enter the tents in Arafah and Mina.

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Saudi Arabia Detains Indonesian Influencer Selling Hajj Packages with Pilgrimage Visas

Saudi Arabia Detains Indonesian Influencer Selling Hajj Packages with Pilgrimage Visas

The Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Jeddah, Yusron B Ambary, stated that they are currently investigating the whereabouts of the pilgrims who became victims of the influencer.

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