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"38 Words Welcoming Ramadan in Arabic, Strengthening Brotherhood Among Fellow Muslims"

Dream - Every year, Muslims around the world celebrate the month of Ramadan with joy and gratitude. During the month of Ramadan, we are encouraged to increase our worship, fast, and pray more. In addition, to enhance the spirit of worship, there are usually many words circulating to welcome Ramadan.

38 Words Welcoming Ramadan in Arabic, Strengthening Brotherhood among Muslims

One of them is the words welcoming Ramadan in Arabic. Its contents are reminding and encouraging each other. In this article, Dream will present various words welcoming Ramadan in Arabic along with their meanings. Check out the complete Arabic Ramadan words below to increase love for the month of Ramadan and strengthen brotherhood among fellow Muslims.

Ramadan Words in Arabic

1. "1. Ramadan Mubarak. I wish you a month full of blessings and happiness. (Selamat Ramadhan. Semoga kalian memiliki bulan yang penuh dengan berkah dan kebahagiaan.)" 2. "2. Welcome to the holy month of Ramadan. Let us welcome it with hearts filled with faith and tolerance. (Selamat datang bulan suci Ramadhan. Mari kita sambut dengan hati yang penuh iman dan toleransi.)" 3. "3. Every year and you are in good health in the month of Ramadan. May Allah bless you with health and happiness. (Selamat Ramadhan. Semoga Allah memberikanmu kesehatan dan kebahagiaan.)"

4. We ask Allah to accept your fasting and devotion in the month of Ramadan, and make it a month that brings happiness and blessings. (Kami berdoa agar Allah menerima puasa dan kesungguhan Anda di bulan Ramadhan, dan menjadikannya bulan yang membawa kebahagiaan dan berkah.) 5. Ramadan Kareem. May Allah shower His mercy and forgiveness upon you. (Ramadan yang mulia. Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan ampunan-Nya.) 6. I wish you accepted fasting and enjoyable iftar in the month of Ramadan. (Semoga puasa dan berbuka puasa Anda diterima di bulan Ramadhan.)

7. We eagerly await the moment of dawn on the first day of Ramadan, when tranquility spreads and hearts close to stand before Allah. (Kami menantikan dengan sabar momen fajar pada hari pertama Ramadhan, ketika ketenangan menyebar dan hati-hati tertutup untuk berdiri di hadapan Allah) 8. As soon as the month of Ramadan arrives, people become more focused on worship and drawing closer to Allah. (Begitu bulan Ramadhan tiba, orang-orang menjadi lebih berpikir tentang ibadah dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah.) 9. Let this month be an opportunity for tolerance, love, and giving to others. (Mau bulan ini menjadi kesempatan untuk toleransi, kasih sayang, dan memberi kepada orang lain.)

10. In the month of Ramadan, we are reminded to appreciate the blessing of food and drink, and not to indulge in excessive consumption. (Di bulan Ramadhan, kita diingatkan untuk menghargai nikmat makanan dan minuman, dan tidak berlebihan dalam mengonsumsinya.) 11. Ramadan is the month of determination and patience. Let us all prepare to make the best use of this noble month. (Ramadhan adalah bulan kekuatan dan kesabaran. Mari kita semua bersiap-siap untuk mengambil keuntungan terbaik dari bulan mulia ini.)

12. We miss the moments of prostration and internal silence that bring us spiritual renewal and closeness to Allah in the month of Ramadan. 13. Ramadan is a time for worship, reading the Quran, and intensifying prayer.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The phrase 'Kata Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa Ramadhan Bahasa Arab' means 'Wishing you a blessed Ramadan fasting in Arabic language'."

1. "1. Fasting and breaking the fast are accepted. (Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum, shiyaman mabru'an wa iftarun shahi'an.) - May Allah accept our fasting and provide us with delicious iftar meals. 2. May Allah accept your fasting and your prayers. (Taqabbalallahu siyamak wa qiyyamak.) - May Allah accept your fasting and your night prayers."


3. We ask Allah to grant us the opportunity to experience Ramadan and to make the most of it in His obedience. (Nasa'allaahu an-yuballighnaa Ramadhan wa an nastaghilahu fi tha'atih.) 4. Ramadan is noble, may Allah assist us in fasting. (Ramadan kariim wa a'annanaa 'ala siyaamih.) 5. May Allah reward you with blessings and goodness in this Ramadan. (A'addahu Allah 'alaikum bi al-yumn wa al-barakaat.)

6. I wish you a blessed fasting and a joyful iftar. (Atamannaa laka siyaman mabru'an wa iftaran haani'an.) 7. I ask Allah to grant you an easy and accepted fasting. (As'alullaha laka siyaman sahlan wa qabulan.) 8. We ask Allah to improve our condition and your condition in this blessed month. (Nas'alullaha 'an yuslihaa haalanaa wa haalaka fi hadha al-shahr al-fadhil.)

9. I wish you a month filled with happiness and success. (Atamannaa lakum shaharan mali'an bi al-sa'adah wa al-najaah.) 10. May Allah bless you with goodness and blessings. (A'addahu Allah 'alaikum bi al-khayr wa al-barakah.) 11. I wish you accepted worship and great rewards. (Atamannaa laka 'ibadah mabru'ah wa ajran 'azhimah.)


38 Words Welcoming Ramadan in Arabic, Strengthening Brotherhood among Muslims

14. We ask Allah to accept from us and from you righteous deeds. (Nasa'allaahu 'an yataqabbal minnaa wa minkum saalih al-a'maal.) - We hope that Allah accepts good deeds of worship from all of us. 15. We ask Allah to illuminate our hearts in this noble month. (Nas'alullaha 'an yunawwir quluubanaa fi hadha al-shahr al-kariim.) - We pray that Allah enlightens our hearts in this blessed month of Ramadan.

Words Welcoming Ramadan in Arabic

1. رمضان مبارك! أتمنى لك شهرًا مليئًا بالبركة والسعادة. (Ramadhan Mubarak! I wish you a month full of blessings and happiness.) 2. رمضان شهر العبادة والعطاء، أتمنى لك شهرًا مليئًا بالنعم والأمان. (Ramadhan is the month of worship and giving, I wish you a month full of blessings and security.) 3. أهلاً بحلول شهر رمضان المبارك، أتمنى لك صومًا مقبولًا وإفطارًا شهيًا. (Welcome to the blessed month of Ramadhan, I wish you an accepted fasting and a delicious iftar.)

4. We ask Allah to make this Ramadan blessed for you and your family. (Kami berdoa agar Ramadhan ini menjadi berkah bagimu dan keluargamu.) 5. Ramadan Kareem! I wish you a month filled with rewards and righteousness. (Ramadhan yang mulia! Aku berharap kamu memiliki bulan penuh pahala dan kebaikan.) 6. The beginning of the month of Ramadan means a new start in getting closer to Allah and achieving success in our lives. (Memulai bulan Ramadhan berarti awal yang baru dalam mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan mencapai keberhasilan dalam hidup kita.)

7. Ramadan is the door of mercy and forgiveness, I wish you the best of times during this holy month. 8. May Allah accept your fasting and prayers and make you among those who are freed from the torment of hell in this blessed month.

9. May Allah help us in our fasting, night prayers, and performing good deeds in this holy month. (Semoga Allah membantu kita dalam berpuasa, qiyamulail, dan melaksanakan amal saleh di bulan suci ini.) 10. We ask Allah to assist us in our fasting and night prayers, and to accept our deeds. (Kami memohon kepada Allah agar diberi kemampuan untuk berpuasa dan melakukan ibadah di bulan ini, serta menerima amal ibadah kami.)

38 Words Welcoming Ramadan in Arabic, Strengthening Brotherhood among Muslims

That is 38 words welcoming Ramadan in Arabic equipped with translations in Indonesian. May we all be able to observe Ramadan with full blessings and receive forgiveness and satisfaction from Him. Amen.

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