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5 Morning Rituals, Effective for Boosting Metabolism
5 Morning Rituals, Effective for Boosting Metabolism Drink tea/ Photo: shutterstock

Dream - The habits or rituals performed in the morning are believed to have a big influence on daily activities, body condition, and mood. If you start the morning well, the rest of the day can also go better.

One of the benefits of implementing positive habits in the morning is to improve the metabolism process, which is good for the body's health. In certain conditions, metabolism slows down, making the body feel weak, unfit, difficult to have bowel movements, and mood decreases.

Therefore, when starting the day, it is important to do things that can improve or boost metabolism.

1. Drink Water

The Best Time to Drink Water for 8 Glasses a Day

The first ritual that should not be missed in the morning is drinking a glass of water. Because drinking water can help eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and regulate digestion. Other benefits include aiding the metabolism process, increasing energy, losing weight, controlling blood sugar, and many more.


2. Drink Infused Water

Infused Water

After waking up, the body will undergo detoxification, which means the natural process of eliminating substances that are not beneficial to the body. One way you can support the detoxification process is by drinking infused water, such as cucumber and lemon slices or lemon water mixed with honey.

If you consume these drinks in the morning, they can help accelerate the process of toxin elimination, increase metabolism, and improve digestion.



3. Don't Skip Breakfast

When you start the morning with good things like drinking water and infused water, don't skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast can cause gas formation in the intestines, which can slow down the digestion process, cause inflammation, and affect other important functions in the body.

4. Add Protein and Fiber

Green Vegetables

When you are going to have breakfast in the morning, you should also pay attention to what nutrients enter your body. Especially make sure there is protein and fiber. Because both nutrients are very good for increasing energy, improving digestion, and making you feel full longer.


5. Avoid Sugar

Benefits of Limiting Sugar Intake in Iced Tea for a Healthy Lifestyle

For Dream Friends who start the morning with sweet drinks like packaged drinks or homemade juices, be careful. This is because sugar not only adds weight but also slows down the metabolism process and makes the body feel sleepy and lethargic. To be healthier, you can consume fruits or smoothies with natural sweetness.



Report: Hany Puspita Sari/ Source: FoodNDTV


5 Calorie Deficit Methods for Maximum Slimming

Dream - When you want to lose weight, it's not just about exercising. Pay attention to the number of calories and nutrients consumed every day to make the weight loss process truly effective.

Exercising without reducing calorie intake will make the weight loss process in vain. In fact, your weight can increase when your eating patterns are not regular.

The key to losing weight is calorie deficit. Calorie deficit is a diet to lose weight by reducing daily calorie intake. With this method, the number of calories entering the body is less than the calories burned.

Doing a calorie deficit in the wrong way will make the weight loss process even more difficult. Follow some tips from Dr. Dion Haryadi to make the calorie deficit more consistent and effective in achieving your ideal weight.

1. Pay Attention to the Food Consumed

Eating Sandwich

Photo: Shutterstock

Calorie deficit is not enough to be done just by reducing the amount of food consumed. You also need to pay attention to the nutrients that need to be fulfilled every day.

Meeting daily calories without paying attention to the nutritional content will only make it more difficult for your diet process to achieve an ideal and healthy body shape. So, consume nutritious food to meet daily calories.

2. Eat Regularly


Photo: Shutterstock

Some people often postpone eating to reduce food consumption. However, the habit of delaying and having an irregular eating pattern will actually make you hungrier. Even, it can cause stomach diseases. So, eat at the designated time every day to easily reduce daily calories.

3. Exercise


Photo: Shutterstock

Regular exercise will make it easier to control appetite. Therefore, you won't get hungry quickly and feel full longer. Your body will be more energized and refreshed when doing activities without having to consume too much food. Choose types of exercise that can be enjoyed and suitable for your body's needs to make it easier to do consistently.

4. Consuming Healthy Snacks

Consuming Healthy Snacks

Photo: Shutterstock

There are many contents on social media that reveal the bad habit of consuming snacks. Snacks are also claimed to be able to increase body weight. However, you can still consume them occasionally to make it easier to control excessive appetite. Of course, the snacks consumed must still be healthy and able to fulfill nutritional needs.

5. Do an Enjoyable Diet

Healthy Eating

Photo: Shutterstock

The diet or eating pattern that is followed must be enjoyable to make it easier to do every day or for a lifetime. You can still consume your favorite foods. In fact, you can consume foods that have low nutritional content. However, prioritize foods with high nutritional content and rich in fiber to keep your body healthy and make it easier to control the calories consumed every day.

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