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5 Tanaman Hias Indoor Ini Dipercaya Bisa Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

"5 Indoor Ornamental Plants are Believed to Improve Sleep Quality"

Many people think that being inside the house guarantees being free from air pollution. However, the reality is not like that. Air pollution not only occurs outdoors but can also enter the house. If that happens, it will worsen the quality of sleep, resulting in difficulty sleeping. Therefore, to clean the air pollution that enters the house, displaying ornamental plants can be a solution to overcome it.

Based on research conducted by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it was found that several plants can help improve indoor air quality. This is because plants can release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Here are five recommended decorative plants that can help you sleep more soundly.

1. Spider Plant

The first indoor ornamental plant is called a spider plant or commonly known as lily paris. Its shape resembles spider legs with green leaves, suitable for those who like green plants. This spider plant also does not require complicated care, you only need to water it regularly 2-3 times a week.

5 Tanaman Hias Indoor Ini Dipercaya Bisa Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

2. Lidah Mertua translates to "Mother-in-law's Tongue".

Lidah mertua has the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night. With this ability, lidah mertua can help you sleep more soundly. In addition, lidah mertua can also absorb pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene which are the causes of cancer. Don't worry if you want to place lidah mertua in your room. This plant can grow in various conditions.

5 Tanaman Hias Indoor Ini Dipercaya Bisa Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

3. Aloe vera

The next plant that can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night is aloe vera. Aloe vera is a suitable plant to display in a room or space without or with minimal sunlight. Because this particular plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

5 Tanaman Hias Indoor Ini Dipercaya Bisa Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

4. Peace Lily

In addition, there is a plant called peace lily which is mentioned as the best air pollution repellent ornamental plant. This plant brings a lot of water from the roots to the leaves which can release moisture back into the air in the room. With that benefit, peace lily seems suitable to be placed in the room and can make your night rest of higher quality.

5 Tanaman Hias Indoor Ini Dipercaya Bisa Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

5. Aglaonema

The last plant that also has the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen is Aglaonema. In Indonesia, Aglaonema is known as sri rezeki. No need to worry, taking care of this plant is also considered easy. Aglaonema can grow indoors even in very low light conditions.

5 Tanaman Hias Indoor Ini Dipercaya Bisa Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

However, it should be noted, keep this Aglonema plant away from pets such as dogs and cats. If bitten, this plant can become poisonous. Well, those are five recommendations for indoor ornamental plants that can make your sleep more sound at night. So, which plant are you interested in having? Author: Rizky Ramadhan

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