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"WHO Urges Countries to Ban Flavored Vapes"

"Dream - In recent years, the use of vape has been considered as a solution for smokers or people who are curious about cigarettes."

WHO Urges Various Countries to Ban the Use of Flavored Vapes
WHO Urges Various Countries to Ban the Use of Flavored Vapes

Many consider vaping or electronic cigarettes to be a healthier version of cigarettes. Finally, there are many teenagers who use electronic cigarettes.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Vape consumption is becoming more interesting because of its mini size and easy to carry anywhere. Vaping also does not leave behind a lot of waste like regular cigarettes. Users can also choose various unique flavors to be put into the vape."

Despite that, the use of flavored vape is prohibited in all countries by WHO recently. This ban is intended to protect children and the health conditions of non-smokers.

WHO Urges Various Countries to Ban the Use of Flavored Vapes

"Not Effective in Stopping Smoking Habits"

According to, the use of vape is considered ineffective in helping someone quit smoking. The use of vape is also considered dangerous as it is sold without age restrictions in 88 countries.

As many as 74 countries sell vape without having regulations. However, vape is not really good for health. Fortunately, 34 countries have already banned the sale of electronic cigarettes.

"Early-age children are being trapped into using electronic cigarettes and may become addicted to nicotine. I urge countries to implement strict measures to prevent the use of nicotine to protect their citizens, especially children and teenagers."
said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO.

"@ 2023"


"Danger of Electronic Cigarettes"

Nicotine in electronic cigarettes can cause severe and dangerous addiction to health. The content inside electronic cigarettes is claimed to be able to cause chronic diseases.

Although the long-term effects cannot be determined, the substances in vape can cause cancer as well as heart and lung disorders. Regular use can also affect brain development, trigger learning disabilities in teenagers, and have negative impacts on fetal development if consumed by pregnant women. Similar to regular cigarettes, vape smoke can also be harmful to those who inhale it.

Attractive vape design, even with cartoon character images, makes the younger generation more interested in using it.

WHO Urges Various Countries to Ban the Use of Flavored Vapes

"Marak Dipakai Generasi Muda" translates to "Popularly Used by the Young Generation" in English.

According to WHO, children aged 13-15 years use electronic cigarettes at a higher rate than adults. In Canada itself, the use of electronic cigarettes by teenagers aged 16-19 has doubled since 2017 until 2022.

While in England, the use of vape by the younger generation has increased in the last 3 years. However, the use of vape by the younger generation has the potential to become a lifelong habit and its side effects are becoming increasingly dangerous.

"Country Conducts Supervision"

Based on the data above, WHO calls on all countries to ban the use of vape, stop nicotine addiction, and pay attention to tobacco use.

Countries that still allow the use of vape need to pay attention to regulations and its negative impact on society. Furthermore, WHO emphasizes the ban on the sale of all flavors in vapes and requires the implementation of taxes on its usage. Moreover, after seeing data that the side effects of using vape are increasingly worse for the younger generation.

WHO Urges Various Countries to Ban the Use of Flavored Vapes
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