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<b>6 Kondisi Fisik Mata Pertanda Kesehatannya Tidak Baik-baik Saja</b>

"6 Physical Conditions of the Eyes Indicating Poor Health"

Many people are not aware that some health problems can be reflected in the condition of the eyes.

According to Dr. Stephanie J. Marioneaux, an eye doctor in Chesapeake, VA, properly addressing eye problems can prevent complications. Symptoms such as pain, changes in vision, discharge, sensitivity to light, or persistent symptoms need to be watched out for as they could indicate a serious problem. Here are some eye conditions that can indicate health problems, as quoted from on (24/4).

Itchy and Watery Eyes

If you experience red, itchy, and watery eyes, it is most likely due to an allergy. Allergy or conjunctivitis occurs as a reaction to pollen, pet dander, or environmental factors.

Itchy and Watery Eyes

The first step is to avoid triggers if possible, such as contact with smooth-haired cats, dusty rooms, or gardens filled with ragweed. Additionally, taking antihistamines orally can stop the immune system's reaction, according to advice from Dr. Tim Mainardi, an allergy specialist at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. If this allergy is seasonal or causes significant discomfort, it is recommended to consult an allergy specialist for additional treatment.

"Thick and Crusty Discharge on the Eyes"

Thick and crusty discharge in the eyes can indicate the presence of conjunctivitis. This condition is also known as red eye, which occurs when the outer layer of the eyes becomes inflamed due to infection. Doctors can perform a culture test on eye fluid to determine the cause of the infection, whether it is caused by a virus or bacteria.


Dr. Marioneaux explained that the symptoms of this virus are similar to the common flu, but they occur in the eyes and are highly contagious. The use of cold compresses and artificial tears can help alleviate irritation and dryness. The CDC states that in cases of mild bacterial conjunctivitis, it can resolve on its own, but doctors may prescribe antibiotic eye drops to expedite healing. If symptoms worsen or there is severe pain, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, or severe redness, it is important to consult an eye doctor immediately.

Painful Lump

"If you feel a painful lump around your eye, it may be a sty."

Painful Lump

According to Johns Hopkins, a stye is an infected gland around the eyelid that can cause swelling and redness in the eye. To reduce symptoms, use warm compresses. If there is no improvement after home treatment, it is advisable to consult an eye specialist doctor to obtain a prescription for antibiotic ointment.

<b>Mata Terasa Kering</b>

Dry Eyes

If you feel dry or sandy eyes, it may be a symptom of eyes lacking moisture.

According to MedlinePlus, this is caused by insufficient tear production. One of the causes is regularly staring at a screen without blinking. Dr. Marioneaux explains that the lack of blinking prevents the oil in the eyes from being distributed properly, causing tears to evaporate quickly and irritate the eyes. Factors that cause dry eyes include: smoking, hormonal changes, prolonged use of contact lenses, exposure to sunlight, and the use of flu medication.

To overcome dry eyes, it is recommended to take a break from contact lenses and use artificial tears. The use of air humidifiers can also help maintain moisture in the surroundings. It is important to avoid smoke, cold air from air conditioning, and direct wind. Eye health should be taken care of as dry eye conditions can cause permanent damage such as scar tissue or infections in the cornea.

Itchy and Swollen in the Eye Area

Itching and swelling along the lash line may indicate the presence of blepharitis, a chronic condition where the oil glands are clogged or there is an excess of bacteria.

Itchy and Swollen in the Eye Area

According to the National Eye Institute, daily care that maintains eyelid hygiene is very important. Dr. Payal Patel from NYU Langone Medical Center recommends warm compresses for one to two minutes, three to four times a day, to improve blood flow and clean gland blockages.

"Blurred Vision After Eye Injury"

If you experience blurred vision, sensitivity to light, headaches, or a sensation of something disturbing in the eye, it could be a sign of scratches on the cornea.

<b>Penglihatan Kabur Setelah Cedera Mata</b>

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, most corneal scratches are mild and can heal on their own. However, it is important to consult with an eye doctor or go to the Emergency Department immediately as the damage can be permanent.

6 Physical Conditions of the Eyes as Signs of Poor Health
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