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Perut Buncit Jadi Bikin Keki? Ini Penyebab dan Cara Atasi yang Ampuh!

"Perut Buncit Jadi Bikin Keki? Ini Penyebab dan Cara Atasi yang Ampuh!" translates to "Does a Bloated Stomach Make You Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!"

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Bloated stomach is a common condition that occurs in modern society and often serves as a sign of serious health problems."

Bloated Stomach Making You Feel Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!
Bloated Stomach Making You Feel Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!

In addition, a protruding belly, also known as abdominal obesity, has become a global health problem that is receiving increasing attention.

Apart from being a matter related to aesthetics, a potbelly is also often associated with serious health risks such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and several types of cancer.

Bloated Stomach Making You Feel Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!

"Bloated Stomach, Why?"

"Perut buncit juga banyak faktor penyebabnya, seperti pola makan yang buruk, kurang olahraga, dan stres. Untuk itu, memperbaiki asupan nutrisi, meningkatkan aktivitas outdoor, dan melakukan perubahan gaya hidup dapat membantu orang menghilangkan perut buncit." Translation: "A bloated stomach is caused by various factors, such as poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and stress. Therefore, improving nutritional intake, increasing outdoor activities, and making lifestyle changes can help people reduce belly fat."


According to MedicalNewsToday, "perut buncit" refers to belly fat and it consists of two types: Visceral fat, which surrounds a person's organs, and subcutaneous fat, which is fat located under the skin. Health complications due to visceral fat are usually more dangerous compared to subcutaneous fat. However, lifestyle changes often can help individuals reduce belly fat levels and improve overall health.

"Poor Eating Habits"

When consuming more calories than what is burned over a certain period of time, it can lead to weight gain, increased fat storage, and the risk of a potbelly.

Pola Makan Buruk

Bulging Stomach Due to Diet

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Eating patterns that contain high-calorie but low-nutrient foods increase the risk of weight gain and a bulging stomach. Fyi, fat has the highest calorie content per gram, so it can quickly increase a person's calorie intake. Foods high in sugar and processed foods are common causes of weight gain and obesity, as well as slowing down metabolism, which hinders fat loss."

Besides that, trans fat can also cause inflammation and obesity. Trans fat is found in many foods, including fast food and baked goods such as muffins and biscuits. The American Heart Association recommends replacing trans fat with healthy foods such as whole grains, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. If this is implemented, belly fat will disappear and the body's condition will not disrupt aesthetics.

"Lack of Exercise"

The lack of physical activity is like not exercising becoming a major risk factor for obesity and a potbelly.

Kurang Olahraga

When someone burns fewer calories through exercise than they consume, the body will store the excess as fat.

Bloated Stomach Making You Feel Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!

As a result, a bloated stomach becomes an unavoidable condition.

Terlalu Banyak Alkohol

"Too Much Alcohol"

Consuming alcohol excessively can cause various health disorders, including liver disease and inflammation.

Research on alcohol consumption and belly fat found that higher alcohol consumption is associated with higher visceral fat levels, regardless of body mass index (BMI) or other markers. Researchers also did not find a clear relationship between alcohol intake and subcutaneous fat levels.

"Stres" in English means "Stress".

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Steroid hormone known as cortisol helps the body control and cope with stress."


When someone is in a dangerous or high-pressure situation, their body releases cortisol, which affects their metabolism. People often seek food for comfort when they feel stressed. Cortisol causes the excess calories to remain around the stomach and other areas of the body for later use. With such conditions, a protruding belly will become more noticeable and the body's condition will be less healthy.


There is evidence that an individual's genes can play a role in determining the occurrence of obesity.

According to MedicalNewsToday, scientists argue that genes can influence behavior, metabolism, and the risk of developing obesity or a potbelly. Environmental and behavioral factors can also affect the likelihood of someone becoming overweight or having a potbelly.

"Bad Sleep Pattern"

Research shows that shorter sleep duration is associated with an increase in visceral body fat.

Pola Tidur Buruk

Short sleep duration is associated with increased food intake that may contribute to the development of abdominal fat. Lack of sleep also has the potential to cause unhealthy eating behaviors, such as emotional eating. And when someone lacks sleep, it can lead to a visible bloated stomach.


In general, people who smoke tend to have a lower BMI compared to non-smokers.

Bloated Stomach Making You Feel Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!

Research also shows that, although there is a general trend of body fat reduction, smokers typically have higher levels of visceral belly fat compared to non-smokers.

"Bloated Stomach, Dangerous?"

Having a potbelly is one of the main causes of diseases that will arise. This is because a potbelly can increase the risk of someone getting heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, asthma, breast cancer, colon cancer, and dementia.

Bulging Stomach, Overcome it Now!

Indeed, there is no instant way to directly reduce body fat, but by changing one's lifestyle and eating habits, it can help someone gradually eliminate a potbelly. A steady weight loss of 1-2 kg per week is often the most effective long-term plan.

"Steps to Overcome Belly Fat"

Fix Eating Patterns A healthy and balanced eating pattern can help someone lose weight as well as reduce belly fat and is likely to have a positive effect on overall health.

The most important part of weight loss and getting rid of belly fat is establishing and maintaining a calorie deficit (where the body burns more calories than a person consumes). People may avoid sugar, fatty foods, and processed carbohydrates with low nutritional content. Instead, they can eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates.

Reduce Alcohol Someone who is trying to get rid of a potbelly can monitor their alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages often contain added sugars that can cause weight gain and a potbelly. Manage Stress Stress can cause someone's weight to increase and a potbelly. The release of the stress hormone cortisol affects someone's appetite and causes them to eat more.

Fixing Sleep PatternsSleep is very important for overall health. The main purpose of sleep is to allow the body to rest, heal, and recover, but it can also affect a person's weight. Sufficient and quality sleep is crucial when someone is trying to get rid of a belly.

Regular Exercise Lack of exercise causes many serious health problems, including weight gain. People who try to get rid of a pot belly should incorporate a lot of exercise into their daily routine. Engage in light activities for 150 minutes to maintain health and weight. Going beyond those numbers can increase energy expenditure and help eliminate a pot belly.

Performing aerobic exercises and strength training can help people overcome a potbelly.

Bloated Stomach Making You Feel Annoyed? Here are the Causes and Powerful Ways to Overcome It!

Stop Smoking Smoking is a risk factor for increased belly fat and a bloated stomach, as well as many other serious health problems. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of excess belly fat and improve overall health.

Someone has a higher risk of experiencing various health problems if they have a potbelly. The causes include poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and short or low-quality sleep. Therefore, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle can help individuals overcome potbelly and reduce the risk of related health problems.

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