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"Fact-facts of Covid-19 Vaccination that Will Start to be Paid in 2024"

"Dream - Covid-19 has become an endemic or common disease that is constantly suffered in certain areas. This virus continues to infect many people and remains a concern for the government."

Fakta-fakta  Vaksinasi Covid-19 yang Mulai Berbayar di 2024
Fakta-fakta  Vaksinasi Covid-19 yang Mulai Berbayar di 2024

"Moreover, the Covid-19 cases have been increasing in several countries, including Indonesia recently. As a result, the government has also provided the fourth Covid-19 vaccine."

Throughout the year 2023, the fourth vaccine can be obtained for free by all groups. In the following year, the vaccine will be paid for. Nevertheless, many people hesitate to get the vaccine because they feel accustomed to the situation after the pandemic.

"If Dream friends are still unsure about getting vaccinated, you can find out some facts about the Covid-19 vaccine first. Check out the following explanation, okay!"

1. Jenis Vaksin

1. Vaccine Type

The vaccine that will be used to fight Covid-19 in the future is Indovac and Inavac.

The offer of these 2 vaccines is related to the revocation of the COVID-19 pandemic status through Presidential Decree Number 17 of 2023 and the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 48 of 2023 on June 21st. This vaccination program is also carried out based on Minister of Health Regulation Number 23 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Handling Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) during the Endemic Period.

2. Free for Vulnerable Groups

Although the Covid-19 vaccine will no longer be free starting next year, vulnerable groups can still obtain it without charge.

2. Gratis untuk Kalangan Rentan

"Who are included in the vulnerable group?"

The government divides two groups that are prioritized to be protected from Covid-19, namely the high-risk group and the other risk group.

"High-Risk Group"

Elderly people who have a higher risk of death due to Covid-19 infection are included in this group. Likewise, young adults with comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease, as well as individuals with severe obesity.

"Other High-Risk Groups"

According to, individuals aged 12 years and above with moderate to severe immunocompromised conditions, including those undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, are included in this group. Pregnant women who are at risk of complications due to Covid-19, healthcare workers, and individuals with HIV/AIDS are also included in the high-risk group.

3. Increasing Number of Covid-19 Cases

The increasing number of Covid-19 patients with an average addition of 35-40 daily cases makes this vaccination increasingly important for everyone, especially vulnerable groups.

3. Meningkatnya Jumlah Kasus Covid-19

According to the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, the increase in Covid-19 cases is dominated by the Omicron XBB 1.5 subvariant, which is causing a wave of infections in Europe and the United States. "Immediately get vaccinated, don't delay, because this virus spreads quickly, so it can be very dangerous for families and people around," he said in a recent press conference.

"How to Get Vaccination"

Covid-19 vaccination can be obtained at health centers, hospitals, or the nearest vaccination posts. Vulnerable groups can get it for free.

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags:

Kelompok kategori imunisasi pilihan bisa memperoleh vaksin Indovac dan Inavac dengan menunjukkan KTP atau identitas lain pada petugas serta membayar sejumlah biaya. Walau vaksin bisa diperoleh dengan mudah, namun Sahabat Dream tetap harus menjaga jarak, memakai masker, dan menjaga kebersihan untuk menghindari penularan Covid-19, ya.
The chosen immunization category group can obtain Indovac and Inavac vaccines by presenting their ID card or other identification to the officer and paying a certain fee. Although the vaccine can be easily obtained, Sahabat Dream still needs to maintain distance, wear a mask, and maintain cleanliness to avoid the transmission of Covid-19, yes.

Fakta-fakta  Vaksinasi Covid-19 yang Mulai Berbayar di 2024
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