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"Often Experience Muscle Cramps and Mental Mood Swings? It Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency"

Frequent Muscle Cramps and Mental Down? Could be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

Dream — Magnesium is beneficial for maintaining body metabolism, producing enzymes, maintaining bone, muscle, and heart health, as well as reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Frequent Muscle Cramps and Mental Down? Could be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

To obtain these benefits, make sure your magnesium needs are met optimally. Every person needs to meet their daily nutritional needs, including magnesium minerals.

Adult men are advised to consume approximately 400-420 mg of magnesium per day. Meanwhile, women should consume 310-320 mg of magnesium per day. Children and adolescents need to consume 80-240 mg of magnesium per day. When dieting, most people will reduce their magnesium intake to accelerate weight loss.

Frequent Muscle Cramps and Mental Down? Could be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is found in fatty foods such as almonds, cashews, seafood, avocados, and green vegetables. If you are on a diet and your body lacks magnesium, these signs may appear.

Muscle Cramps and Spasms

In addition to the function of organs in the body, magnesium plays an important role in maintaining the health of human muscles. If you lack magnesium, it will disrupt the balance that affects muscle cramps and spasms. This problem can also affect the function of the stomach and legs, as well as causing discomfort when moved.

"Irregular Heartbeat"

Magnesium has a role in helping to regulate impulses that function in controlling the heart so that it can maintain its rhythm and blood pressure level. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. Another risk is experiencing arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat. Hypertension will also become a major problem due to magnesium deficiency.

"Mental Health Disturbed"

Not only physical illnesses, but magnesium deficiency will also make you more at risk of having mental problems. This is because the nervous system relies on magnesium to regulate neurotransmitters and support overall nervous system stability, which will make you susceptible to neurological symptoms such as depression and anxiety disorders.

"Easy to get tired"

Due to the importance of mineral content such as magnesium for the body, magnesium plays a crucial role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or the body's main energy source. If there is a lack of magnesium, ATP production will decrease, resulting in a lack of energy or easily getting tired.

"Difficult to Sleep"

Although the body is already tired, magnesium deficiency does not make you able to sleep faster. Magnesium has a role in hormone regulation, so magnesium deficiency will trigger hormonal imbalance, leading to excessive anxiety. Disrupted melatonin production can also make it difficult for you to sleep. Report by Monica Alycia Mutiara/ Source: Times of India

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