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'Reborn Area', Langkah Nyata Coca-Cola Atasi Sampah Plastik di CGV Cinemas

"'Reborn Area', Coca-Cola's Real Step to Overcome Plastic Waste at CGV Cinemas"

Dream - Plastic waste has become a serious problem worldwide, including in Indonesia. In an effort to support the global vision of a 'World Without Waste', Coca-Cola and its partners continue to be committed to finding solutions to the issue of used plastic packaging.

'Reborn Area', Actual Steps by Coca-Cola to Address Plastic Waste at CGV Cinemas
'Reborn Area', Actual Steps by Coca-Cola to Address Plastic Waste at CGV Cinemas

One concrete step taken is to launch the 'Reborn Area' program at CGV Cinemas. Through three main pillars, namely Design, Collect, and Partner, Coca-Cola reaffirms its commitment to collect every plastic bottle sold by 2030.

"Through this program, we reaffirm our commitment to encourage more people to recycle and help give a second life to used PET plastic bottles," said Triyono Prijosoesilo, Director of Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability at PT Coca-Cola Indonesia, during the launch of the 'Reborn Area' at CGV Cinemas Central Park on Monday, December 11, 2023. Data from the Indonesian Cinema Owners Association (GPBSI) shows that cinemas have great potential as a medium to raise awareness and educate about plastic waste."

'Reborn Area', Actual Steps by Coca-Cola to Address Plastic Waste at CGV Cinemas

With the increase in the number of moviegoers in Indonesia reaching 54.07 million in 2022, cinemas can become an effective tool in creating awareness of the impact of plastic waste.

Through the 'Reborn Area', Coca-Cola proves real steps to educate the community and address the plastic waste problem in cinemas. "When watching a movie, viewers usually buy food and drinks as companions. It is not uncommon for us to find leftover food and drinks on the audience's seats," said Mandati Putri, Marketing Communications Head of CGV Cinemas.

'Reborn Area', Actual Steps by Coca-Cola to Address Plastic Waste at CGV Cinemas

"With the Coca-Cola 'Reborn Area' initiative, continued Mandati, it will help CGV Cinemas in their efforts to continuously educate the community in sorting and disposing of garbage in its proper place."

"Especially with the presence of a drop box, used plastic bottle packaging can be sorted properly so that it can be recycled to have economic value and not end up as waste," explained Mandati. In addition, with the presence of a plastic waste drop box, the community can easily sort and recycle used plastic bottles. Furthermore, every purchase of two Coca-Cola bottles and one CGV popcorn, accompanied by uploading a photo and tagging a specific Instagram account, gives consumers the opportunity to get special merchandise."

It is known that used PET plastic bottles collected through this program will be processed and transformed into new bottles, 100% recycled PET plastic packaging, excluding caps and labels, for Coca-Cola beverages in Indonesia. This step proves that plastic bottles can go through multiple recycling processes while maintaining their quality.

Coca-Cola 'Reborn Area' will be present in several CGV Cinemas, such as Grand Indonesia, Central Park, Pacific Place, FX Sudirman, and Aeon Mall JGC. During the period of December 2023-March 2024, Coca-Cola will provide two collection boxes for used plastic bottle packaging (drop box) at each location. With these steps, it is hoped that the community can actively participate in supporting environmental sustainability and reducing the impact of plastic waste. Report: Diska Aruminaya Rizky.

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