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Stomach Ache That Does Not Heal Could Be Due to Tooth Decay

Dream - Everyone certainly wants to have a beautiful smile. To maintain a beautiful and confident smile, special attention to dental health is necessary. Clean and healthy teeth can enhance someone's self-confidence.

Stomachache that Doesn't Heal Could Be Caused by Cavities

There is a proverb that says "prevention is better than cure," which means that prevention is better than treatment. Prevention of various dental problems not only reduces treatment costs but also protects us from the pain that can arise from dental problems.

Stomachache that Doesn't Heal Could Be Caused by Cavities

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Dental problems can be caused by various factors including unhealthy eating patterns, lack of care, smoking habits, and lack of regular visits to the dentist. Not only that, dental problems can also have an impact on digestion, including causing persistent stomach pain."

Stomachache that Doesn't Heal Could Be Caused by Cavities
Stomachache that Doesn't Heal Could Be Caused by Cavities

"The mouth is the window to life. Dental health is not only for teeth, but also for the health of our other organs. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring that patients always receive good and complete education," said Dr. Maesa Uswa at Maesa Dental Clinic Senopati on Sunday, November 26, 2023 in Jakarta."

"Connection between Tooth Decay and Stomach Ulcers"

Did you know, Dream Friends? Having a toothache can cause prolonged stomach pain, this is because of the presence of bacteria. When a tooth is decayed, the bacteria inside it can flow into the bloodstream. So, this is related to the heart and digestive system.


"Continuous stomach pain can be caused by cavities, because the food is not chewed properly. As a result, other stomach organs become overloaded."

clear drg. Maesa.

"Vulnerable Dental Problems Occur"

Tooth decay or loose teeth is one of the dental problems that is prone to occur in many people. Factors that can cause this problem include untreated cavities, gum disease, or severe tooth injury.

"Tooth loss can cause the right and left teeth to become loose. From the age of 20-50 years old, the most common dental case is tooth loss. It can start to occur at the age of 15,""
Additional information from Dr. Maesa.


"The Factors Causing Dental Problems"

At present, there are still many people who lack education about dental care. As a result, some of them feel afraid to visit the dentist. One of the things that is often done is to install braces at a salon, instead of at a professional dental care facility that should be done by experts or dentists.


They who are not dental experts may not use sterilized tools and may not follow proper procedures, which can cause various dental problems. Therefore, for safe and reliable results, starting from now, only seek dental treatment from a dentist, my dear friend. Additionally, eating on one side can also cause dental problems, such as the formation of plaque. This is because the unused side of the teeth tends to become black. This habit can also make one side of the cheek appear chubbier and the smile become crooked.

"Consult with a Dentist"

"With good dental care, the problem will not recur. Dental care is a long-term investment. If it is well taken care of, nerve treatment is done, and the nerve is dead and crowned or filled, it's done. So, the long-term effect is that eating and working become more enjoyable," she said. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty.

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