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Food Courier's Heroic Act Saves Drowning Woman, Jumps from 12-Meter Bridge and Breaks Bones, Refuses Prize Money
Food Courier's Heroic Act Saves Drowning Woman, Jumps from 12-Meter Bridge and Breaks Bones, Refuses Prize Money Rescue Action (Photo: SCMP)

Dream - A courier in China performed a heroic act by saving a woman who was drowning in a river. He even jumped from a bridge, injuring himself in the process.

The man is Peng Qinglin. On June 13, 2023, he was delivering food on an electric bike in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, eastern China. At that time, he saw a woman in the Qiantang River struggling to save herself.

In a recorded act of bravery, he jumped from a 12-meter (39-foot) bridge to help her. After that, the police and a boat arrived at the scene to complete the rescue.

rescue action pang

Unfortunately, Peng suffered a broken bone upon hitting the water's surface and now requires treatment in the hospital. His story has touched millions of people in China on social media, who praise his courage and humility.

According to SCMP, in a viral video, Peng is seen lying in a hospital bed. He is surrounded by certificates of appreciation and medals that commend his heroism.

The local authorities in Hangzhou have even offered him a cash prize of 30,000 yuan (Rp62 million). Meanwhile, the food delivery company he works for has offered him 50,000 yuan (Rp104 million), along with the opportunity to study at a university for free.

Peng's heroic act has also been recognized by his hometown in the Sangzhi area of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, where the local government has given him an additional 100,000 yuan or approximately Rp209 million.

Several companies from his hometown have also rewarded him with cash prizes totaling tens of thousands of yuan.

"Jumping from such a height, you are truly extraordinary. My own son is also in his twenties, and seeing you is like seeing my own child. I salute you while also feeling deeply concerned for you," said Sangzhi district head Liang Gaowu, as quoted by Berita Tianmu.

rescue action pang

Despite receiving many cash rewards, Peng has decided to accept only a portion of the money while donating the rest.

"I want to donate all the money from local companies to schools in my hometown so that children can receive a good education and spread the spirit of helping others from a young age," Peng said.

"I just want to be an ordinary good person," he later told state broadcaster CCTV.

Peng is still undergoing treatment and is expected to need an additional seven to 10 days in the hospital.

According to Beautiful Zhejiang, a Weibo account operated by the provincial government, a group of medical students visited Peng during his stay in the hospital and sent him a letter that read:

"Your spirit of saving lives and helping others is highly inspiring and serves as a valuable source of learning for many new medical students like us."

Online comments flowed, urging him to accept the cash rewards.

"You should accept the donations and rewards, as it will encourage more people!" said one commentator.

"Bro, there's no need to reject the awards. Only when acts of kindness are rewarded and crimes are punished can it help improve the moral standards of society, making ordinary people less indifferent and criminals less brave," said another.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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