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Meaning of Dreaming of Taking Care of the Deceased According to Islam, Starting from Bathing to Burying
Meaning of Dreaming of Taking Care of the Deceased According to Islam, Starting from Bathing to Burying Sleep illustration. (Photo: Burton)

Dream - Taking care of the deceased is an obligation for Muslims when they encounter the death of a fellow Muslim. Taking care of the deceased is a communal obligation, so if there is already a group of people handling it, then the obligation is lifted for others.

Basically, dreaming of burying a corpse may be a nightmare for some people. Someone will feel fear when seeing a corpse, even if only in a dream. The meaning of dreaming of burying a corpse may be related to the dreamer's life.

Not only burying the deceased, but dreaming of taking care of the deceased also makes people curious. So what is the actual meaning of dreaming of burying a corpse? Quoted from various sources, here is the complete answer!

Meaning of Dreaming of Taking Care of the Deceased

1. Meaning of Dreaming of Bathing the Deceased

Dreaming of bathing the deceased with clean water according to Islam signifies that the dreamer's wishes will be fulfilled. Debts that they have will be paid off by someone.

However, it is different if someone dreams of bathing the deceased with dirty or inappropriate water, it indicates misfortune and suffering. The dreamer will also be afflicted with illness and other misfortunes. This interpretation is based on the dream interpretation by Ahmad bin Abdurrahman bin Abdul Mun'im in the book Kitab Al-Badrul Munir fi 'Ilmi Ta'bir.

2. Meaning of Dreaming of Shrouding the Deceased

The meaning of dreaming of shrouding the deceased has various interpretations. One of them is that it indicates that the dreamer will get married. The shroud is a symbol of clothing. In the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 187, clothing is synonymous with a wife.

كُنتُمْ لِبَاسًا لَّهُنَّ وَهُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ


"They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them."

The meaning of dreaming of shrouding the deceased is also interpreted as someone being blessed with wealth and having a house. For someone who is sick, this dream is a sign that their life will not last long.

3. Meaning of Dreaming of Praying for the Deceased

Another meaning of dreaming of taking care of the deceased is dreaming of praying for them. The meaning of dreaming of praying for the deceased indicates that someone else is praying for you. In addition, if someone dreams of being an imam while praying for the deceased, it means that they will gain power but will be under the control of a hypocrite.

4. Meaning of Dreaming of Digging a Grave for the Deceased

Digging a grave for the deceased is a very noble act. The meaning of dreaming of digging a grave for the deceased is that the dreamer will go to jail. However, on the other hand, this dream also has a good meaning, as it indicates that they will soon build a new house. The grave in the dream can be a symbol of a house. If you dream that the grave is being drenched by rain, it means that the occupant of the grave is filled with the mercy of Allah.

5. Meaning of Dreaming of Burying a Corpse

The meaning of dreaming of burying a corpse signifies that the dreamer will travel to a distant place to seek sustenance. They will be blessed with abundant wealth from Allah.

However, if someone dreams of being buried alive and dying, it indicates that they will die due to the injustice they receive. But if they do not die, this dream indicates that they will be saved from difficulties caused by injustice.

Those are some interpretations of dreams about taking care of the deceased. The above dream interpretations cannot be guaranteed to be accurate. Dream interpretation is speculative in nature. However, having these dream interpretations can at least be used to be cautious and anticipate any potential harm to prevent it from actually happening.


Source: NU Online

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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