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See the End of Year 2022 Moments of Jokowi's Ministers
See the End of Year 2022 Moments of Jokowi's Ministers Sri Mulyani/ Instagram @smindrawati

Dream - The end of the year is often a moment for having fun and spending time with beloved family. Some choose to vacation abroad, while others prefer to stay in Indonesia.

What about the officials of the Ministry? Three ministers of President Jokowi, namely Sri Mulyani (Minister of Finance), Retno Masurdi (Minister of Foreign Affairs), and Erick Thohir (Minister of SOEs), shared their exciting end-of-year moments on their respective Instagram accounts.

Sri Mulyani

This pride of the nation's Minister of Finance chose to spend New Year's Eve 2023 at her residence in Bintaro. She played fireworks with her beloved grandchildren.

Sri Mulyani

They also enjoyed the beauty of fireworks, not from a luxurious hotel rooftop, but from the roof of their house. It looks simple but the atmosphere is warm.

Sri Mulyani


Retno Marsudi

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi also chose to spend the end of the year only in Indonesia. She spent time with her husband, Agus Masurdi, and their children and grandchildren at home.

Retno Marsudi

Warmth and joy radiate from this couple. Playing with grandchildren at the end of the year is always a special thing for grandparents.

Retno Masurdi


Erick Thohir

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir welcomed the year 2023 in the land of the rising sun. He also gathered with his wife and four children.

Erick Thohir

They spent New Year's Eve in Shibuya crossing. Erick also met many Indonesian citizens and had conversations and took photos together.


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Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Erick Thohir (@erickthohir)

Upload Photo of Avatar Like a Superhero, Sri Mulyani: The Original is Still Better

Dream - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani did not miss the trend of avatars on social media. She shared her photo when transformed into an avatar on Instagram @smindrawati.

Sri Mulyani uploaded five photos with different poses, but still with glasses and short hair, the characteristic of the country's treasurer.

"With digital technology and in the virtual world, you can transform into any Avatar... becoming or creating any character from your ideas and imagination," wrote Sri Mulyani.

Avatar-making applications using AI (artificial intelligence) lenses are currently viral on social media. These applications can transform original photos into avatar forms using artificial intelligence.

In addition to smoothing, AI lenses can also change the background of photos and add other effects.

avatar Sri Mulyani

Sri Mulyani praised the sophistication of the virtual world. Someone's profile can look like 'someone else,' similar but not the same.

"The creativity of the virtual world transforms your profile into 'someone else' - similar but not the same. It's like an oasis, transforming reality into 'alternate reality'," she continued.

The appearance of edited photos from this application produces different forms. Like illustrations that depict characters that are almost similar to the original.

avatar Sri Mulyani

The woman born in Bandar Lampung praised the creativity of the artists who have transformed her face into a different figure, some even resembling a superhero.

avatar Sri Mulyani

"Many artists use digital technology to change my face in the 'alternate universe.' Incredibly creative.." praised Sri Mulyani.

Nevertheless, the minister who is part of the Indonesia Maju Cabinet still says that the original is always better.

avatar Sri Mulyani

"Which avatar do you like? The original is always better, of course..😉😊," said Sri Mulyani.

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A post shared by Sri Mulyani Indrawati (@smindrawati)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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