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<br><br>3 Kondisi Medis Menyakitkan yang Sering Disamakan dengan Melahirkan<br><br>

"3 Painful Medical Conditions Often Confused with Childbirth"

3 Painful Medical Conditions Often Mistaken for Childbirth

Dream - Giving birth is a natural process that is indeed created by God to be faced by pregnant mothers. The process is synonymous with pain, but it must be endured, whether one likes it or not.

3 Painful Medical Conditions Often Mistaken for Childbirth

Several methods have been created to reduce the pain of childbirth such as breathing exercises, relaxation, and epidural anesthesia injections. These various methods can only reduce the level of pain during labor contractions and cannot eliminate it.

3 Painful Medical Conditions Often Mistaken for Childbirth

Many people are curious about the pain of childbirth. It turns out there is a medical condition whose pain is often compared to labor. Curious?

1. Broken bones

"Broken bones are indeed painful. Although not all broken bones are the same, some broken bones—such as a broken thigh bone—will cause extraordinary pain for some time. In addition to requiring a large cast, severe fractures also require surgery to install hardware devices, such as pins and screws, into the body."


The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The location of a broken bone and how to use that part of the body will also determine the level of pain. A broken rib may cause pain every time you breathe, while a broken bone in the pinky finger may be well stabilized and not too painful when bandaged or put in a cast. The pain is often compared to childbirth."

2. Kidney stones

Kidney stones are formed in the urinary tract and must be removed. This means that the stone, whether whole or broken into pieces, must be removed. Kidney stones usually move through the urinary tract and exit the body through the urethra.


Some stones even require surgery. Symptoms of kidney stones can include fever, sweating, hot and cold flashes, back pain, constant urge to urinate, nausea, and vomiting. Some people who have experienced kidney stones and childbirth say that the pain from kidney stones is worse than childbirth. However, the body is not designed to pass kidney stones, but it is designed to give birth to a baby.

3. Bladder Infection and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Bladder infection and urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause a lot of pain. Mothers can even get these infections during pregnancy. Here are some common symptoms such as a burning sensation in the intimate area, frequent urination, lower back or lower abdominal pain, blood in the urine, and fever.


The burning sensation during urination can be very torturous. The pain feels like being burned, and sometimes it even makes the body shiver. This is what makes the pain of urinary tract infection often compared to the pain of childbirth. Report: Aykaputri Amalia Rahmani / Source: Parents

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