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"BKKBN Speaks Up About the Ideal Duration of Paternity Leave When Accompanying Mothers in Giving Birth"

BKKBN Speaks Out About the Ideal Duration of Paternity Leave When Accompanying Mothers in Giving Birth

Dream - Vacation plans for father in Indonesia will be realized in the near future. The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) has already made regulations regarding this matter.

BKKBN Speaks Out About the Ideal Duration of Paternity Leave When Accompanying Mothers in Giving Birth

"For the duration of paternity leave, the Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Hasto Wardoyo, spoke up. According to him, ideally, fathers should take leave to accompany the mother who has just given birth for approximately three weeks."

The following text is in 'Bahasa' and will be translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Hal tersebut bukan berdasarkan pendapat pribadi tapi hasil riset."Tiga minggu atau paling tidak 17 hari (cuti ayah) dan itu harus ada dasar ilmiahnya, tidak boleh sekadar berdebat dan jangan sekadar di-voting," ujar Hasto di kantor BKKBN. Ia menjelaskan, ibu melahirkan yang memasuki masa bukaan satu sudah rentan mengalami stres sehingga keberadaan suami sangat penting untuk mendampingi satu minggu sebelum hari perkiraan lahir (HPL). Hasto mengusulkan agar suami diberi izin cuti melahirkan setidaknya satu minggu sebelum HPL."

"Women, especially when giving birth for the first time, become restless even when the cervix is only dilated one centimeter, even though there are still 14 hours left (until delivery), and they usually get confused. Therefore, my suggestion is that if husbands are given leave, they can take a week off before their wife's estimated due date," said Hasto.

BKKBN Speaks Out About the Ideal Duration of Paternity Leave When Accompanying Mothers in Giving Birth

After giving birth, it is advisable for the husband to accompany the wife for up to ten days, because there is scientific evidence stating that women are susceptible to experiencing postpartum stress or postpartum blues, depression, and anxiety.

"Postpartum blues, depression, neurosis (mental disorder), psychosis (psychic disorder) after giving birth reaches its peak on the third day until the 10th day. So, it's quite anxious or troubled, that's the peak, if she's under heavy stress, she can smile alone, talk and cry alone," she said.

Applied in ASN Environment in April 2024

According to Hasto, when a mother goes through that phase, like on the third to tenth day, when breastfeeding is not successful, her breasts become swollen and painful, and her husband is always there to support and accompany her.

Applied in ASN Environment in April 2024

"Previously, the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, stated that the government provides paternity leave rights for male civil servants whose wives give birth. This is one of the points in the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Civil Servant Management as the implementing regulation of Law Number 20 of 2023 on Civil Servants. The RPP is targeted to be completed by April 2024."

BKKBN Speaks Out About the Ideal Duration of Paternity Leave When Accompanying Mothers in Giving Birth

"The government will provide leave rights to husbands whose wives give birth or have a miscarriage. The leave to accompany the wife during childbirth is a right for male civil servants that is regulated and guaranteed by the state," said Anas. Source:"

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