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"Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih" translates to "Gala's Confession to the Caregiver: Seeing Her Friend Being Picked Up by Her Father Makes Her Sad."

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

"Dream - The life of Gala Sky Andriansyah, the only son of the late actress Vanessa Angel and model Bibi Andriansyah, has evoked great empathy from the public. This is because he had to lose his father and mother at a very young age."

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

He had a serious accident at the age of 15 months with his father and mother on the Jombang-Mojokerto toll road at KM 672 in 2021. The child survived, but his father and mother passed away. Since then, Gala has been raised by his grandparents, the parents of the late Aunt Andriansyah.

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

During this time, Omah Dewi, Opah Faisal, then uncle and aunt always try together with Gala. The child is also taken care of by his caregiver since he was a baby, named Ida, who appears so sincere.

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

Now Gala is 3 years old and she has also started going to school. Apparently, during school, she saw her friends being often accompanied by their fathers. Gala then asked Ida, the caregiver who usually accompanies Gala to pick her up. This information was known from Omah Dewi's post on Instagram.

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

"This morning, as usual, I took Gala to school. I felt really sad when I heard Ida's story. Gala said to Ida that after taking a shower, she told Ida that her friends were all being dropped off at school by their fathers," Omah wrote."

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

"Later Gala will tell Gala's friends that Gala's dad is already in heaven with mom 😭😭😭," wrote Omah Dewi in his Instagram @dewizuhriati.

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

"Omah Dewi feels deeply moved and sad upon hearing Ida's story, Gala's caregiver. The post also immediately made many of Omah Dewi's followers feel sad as well. Many commented that they cried while reading Gala's story."

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

"Can't imagine how sad Gala is... I myself felt really sad when I was separated from my parents due to divorce," wrote @eekapriani. "Just reading this makes me want to cry, too. Hug Gala tightly, my dear," responded @am_ia99.

Curhat Gala Pada Pengasuh Lihat Temannya Dijemput Ayah Bikin Sedih

"Keep up the spirit, Grandma...we love your whole family," commented @ruriekawati37. "Gala, my love...your answer is excellent, a replacement for your mom and dad who are already in heaven," expressed @khumaira_dhee."

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