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Are you pregnant? It is recommended not to use perfume.

Are you pregnant? It is recommended not to use perfume.

Sedang Program Hamil? Disarankan untuk Tak Pakai Parfum

Dream - For some prospective mothers, pregnancy cannot occur easily. Many factors influence this, one of which is when the ovulation process in the body does not occur normally or even does not experience ovulation.

Ovulation itself is the process when a mature egg is released from the ovary or egg sac into the fallopian tube to be fertilized. This does not occur normally in some women, and one of the causes is exposure to synthetic chemicals called phthalates. "Phthalates are known as endocrine disruptors, as they can interfere with the production or binding of any hormone in the body. And the reproductive system, in particular, is very sensitive to these compounds," said Jodi Flaws, Ph.D., a professor of comparative biosciences and director of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology Program at the University of Illinois, as quoted from The New York Times.

Sedang Program Hamil? Disarankan untuk Tak Pakai Parfum

Phthalates are added to various products that we use in our daily lives, such as cleaners, perfumes, and personal care products, to make them durable and fragrant.

 The substance is easily released from these products in the form of vapor or particles, which are then found in the blood, sweat, breast milk, semen, and ovarian fluid. "This is the type of chemical that is our problem and this chemical is everywhere," said Tracey Woodruff, Ph.D., who leads the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment at the University of California, San Francisco.  

"Perfume contains Phthalates"

One of the products that is often used daily and contains phthalates is perfume or other scented products. Usually written as dibutyl phthalate and diethyl phthalate on the packaging.

Sedang Program Hamil? Disarankan untuk Tak Pakai Parfum

The formula is absorbed through the skin, and in laboratory experiments it is known to disrupt hormone production, decrease sperm count, and cause fetal defects.  

The European Union classifies Dibutyl Phthalate as toxic to the reproductive system because it can harm the fetus and disrupt fertility. For those undergoing in vitro fertilization, doctors usually also advise against using perfume. This includes products that contain fragrances. Not only does it disrupt hormone cycles, but it also inhibits prospective fathers from producing an adequate amount of sperm.

Sedang Program Hamil? Disarankan untuk Tak Pakai Parfum

"Phthalates can also alter sperm genes related to growth and development, which can have an impact on early baby development."

High concentrations of phthalates in couples undergoing IVF have been associated with the risk of IVF failure and miscarriage. If you really want to increase your chances of getting pregnant and are currently undergoing a pregnancy program, try not to use perfume. You can also look for natural fragrances that do not contain chemicals like phthalates. Source: New York Times/ is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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