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Maia Reveals the Real Reason Pinkan Left Ratu, Difficult to Control and Uncommitted
Maia Reveals the Real Reason Pinkan Left Ratu, Difficult to Control and Uncommitted Photo: YouTube MAIA ALELDUL TV

Dream - Having formed the vocal duo group Ratu, Pinkan Mambo and Maia Estianty finally revealed the reasons behind Pinkan's decision to leave the duo in 2004.

Pinkan's departure from the duo group became a controversy among the public. This was revealed by Pinkan and Maia on the YouTube channel MAIA ALELDUL TV, Thursday, November 3, 2022.

"I'll tell you why I was a bit annoyed with Pinkan back then. So, Pinkan, when she speaks, she's committed to A but suddenly becomes Z," said Maia.

The wife of Irwan Mussry revealed Pinkan's difficult nature to be controlled and to work together in a team. Maia also shared some of her past experiences when she was Pinkan's duet partner.

"We had a meeting for the music video Aku Baik Baik Saja. You were told to wear ripped jeans, she said she wanted to make it herself with her mother, and I agreed. About a week before, I asked her, she hadn't prepared the clothes yet. Do you know what she brought on the shooting day? She brought a kebaya," said Maia.

Not only that, Maia also recounted her experience when she was about to perform in Semarang with Pinkan. At that time, Pinkan was absent from the soundcheck because she was still in Yogyakarta.

"I was also annoyed when we were about to perform in Semarang, Pinkan said she was in Yogyakarta. I said, tomorrow at 2 PM, come to Semarang for the soundcheck. On the day of the performance, Pinkan said she was still in Yogyakarta. Isn't that stressful?" she added.

Her actions worsened when Pinkan announced that she was pregnant without revealing who the father of the baby was.

"That's why the management got fed up, it seemed like Pinkan was difficult to control and work with as a team. Finally, you also said that you were pregnant," said Maia.

Pinkan confirmed Maia's statement that she was indeed pregnant at that time.

"In short, my problem became the trigger when I happened to be pregnant and there was no father. It's not good for my image in the public eye if a pregnant woman doesn't have a father," said Pinkan.

Furthermore, Maia also gave Pinkan several options to enable her to keep the baby and continue her career with Ratu.

"We told Pinkan, if you want to protect this baby, we'll disappear first, you give birth first. Then, after giving birth, we'll come back to the stage. But you insisted on singing even though you were pregnant," said Maia.

After 19 years, they still maintain a good relationship as friends.

Pinkan and Maia even performed together again, singing their hit songs recently.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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