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10 Foto Seram dan Misterius yang Bikin Merinding dan Takut

"10 Creepy and Mysterious Photos that Give You Goosebumps and Fear"

Dream - Since its invention, photography has been used to capture amazing images that record some important moments throughout history. However, the images taken by the camera are not always easy to explain.

10 Scary and Mysterious Photos That Can't Be Explained by Logic, Making Your Hair Stand on End

Sometimes what is captured on camera can confuse the mind, from hidden figures to unsolved mysteries. Even just looking at the photos can make people shudder and feel scared. According to, here are 10 mysterious photos that cannot be explained, which will make your hair stand on end.

"Mysterious Thumb"

The following HTML tags will be preserved in the translation: Foto yang tampak normal di bawah ini menunjukkan empat anak laki-laki yang berpose bersama. Namun, jika dilihat lebih dekat, tampak sebuah jari tambahan mengacungkan jempol di belakang anak yang mengenakan kaus hitam. The normal-looking photo below shows four boys posing together. However, upon closer inspection, an additional finger can be seen sticking up behind the boy wearing the black shirt.

Jempol Misterius

"Hantu Menggantung" translates to "Hanging Ghost" in English.

The Cooper family took this photo after they moved to their new house in 1950. However, a shadowy figure can be seen hanging from the ceiling. There was no one else with them when the photo was taken.

Hantu Menggantung

"Hantu Kuburan" translates to "Grave Ghost" in English.

In 1991, Ghost Research Society was called to investigate supernatural occurrences at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery after the photo below was taken by one of its members. This is one of the most haunted places in the US.

"Face in the Ocean"

Two crew members died and were buried at sea while cleaning the oil tanks of the S.S. Watertown. The faces of both deceased appeared in the water next to the ship the next day. The faces were so clear that the ship's captain took a photograph of them.

Wajah di Lautan

"Terrifying Aspirations"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This medical student pretends to be a corpse while arranging a cadaver as 'the doctor'. How they managed to arrange the cadaver and take this creepy photo remains a mystery."

Cita-cita Menyeramkan

"Mini Watch"

In 2008, a team of Chinese archaeologists excavated a tomb that had never been opened for over 400 years. How surprised they were at that time, when they found a small gold ring in the shape of a wristwatch among the tomb artifacts.

Jam Tangan Mini

"Dibangunkan Hantu" translates to "Awakened by Ghosts" in English.

Two siblings entered the graveyard late at night because they were drunk. The younger brother took a photo of his older brother lying on the grave. These siblings felt terrified when they realized there was a ghostly figure floating above the older brother.

Strange Light in the Sky

Los Angeles in 1942, a number of anti-aircraft shots illuminated the night sky. Authorities said it was a war exercise, but local residents believed that the strange lights were a Japanese attack or UFO.

Cahaya Aneh di Langit

"Baby Ghost"

Mother from Australia visited her daughter's grave when she took this photo. However, her camera captured what appears to be a baby ghost! Because the child did not resemble her deceased daughter who passed away at the age of 17.

"Creepy Figure During Mudik"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Foto saat pulang kampung berubah menyeramkan saat menatap foto ini lebih dekat. Pada pojok jendela kiri di atas bingkai, tampak wajah putih yang menyeramkan. Mungkin seseorang yang mengenakan topeng hoki muncul dari kegelapan. Menakutkan sekali!" Translation: "The photo when returning to the village turned into something terrifying when looking at this photo closely. In the top left corner of the frame, there is a creepy white face. Perhaps someone wearing a hockey mask emerged from the darkness. Very frightening!"

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