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Daftar Koleksi Rahasia Perpustakaan Israel yang Terkuak

List of Israel Library's Secret Collections Revealed

The National Library of Israel holds many valuable collections that are very difficult to access.

Dream - The national library of Israel holds many valuable collections. However, these collections are extremely difficult to access. The Zionist government does not allow anyone to check the collections in the library. Quoted from Dream in the Saudi Gazette website, Friday, October 10, 2014, these library collections are not only unique in terms of their physical appearance and content. What is even more unique about these various old collections is how Israel obtained them. The library of Israel collects rare manuscripts from various countries in the world that were once inhabited by Jews.

Collection of Secrets of the Israeli Library Revealed

"Although these items are unique, what makes them even more unique is the story behind them," said Aviad Stollman, Head of the Israel Library's collection."

Just look, in this library there is a Hebrew dictionary. The first written evidence for the Yiddish language. There is also the Crowns of Damascus, an old gospel smuggled 30 years ago from Syria in a Mossad spy operation. The existence of this collection in Israel was kept secret for years. Ten years ago, the National Library of Israel was dusty and filled with spider webs. So there was an effort to preserve or even publish those super rare collections. This library pioneered an initiative to digitize every existing Hebrew manuscript. Here are some collections of the National Library of Israel:

"The Crowns of Damascus"

The word "crown" is the term used by the Jewish community to refer to a manuscript that is one of the complete manuscripts of the Hebrew Gospel. This manuscript was written in the Middle East and Europe between 700 and 1,000 years ago. This collection has been hidden by the ancient Jewish community in Damascus for centuries. The manuscript was smuggled out 30 years ago when the Syrian leader implemented a travel ban for Jews in the 1990s.

That was when an intelligence operation was designed to smuggle this manuscript. The smuggling process went smoothly and finally this manuscript was stored in the National Library of Israel.

Collection of Secrets of the Israeli Library Revealed

"We obtained it from Mossad with the condition that we would keep it completely confidential," said Raphi Weiser, who at the time served as the Director of Scripts and Archives at the National Library of Israel. Only a dozen staff members at the library knew about the manuscript at that time. The existence of the manuscript in Israel was published in 2000. According to Weiser, the most valuable collection is actually the 13th-century Spanish Gospel."

Collection of Secrets of the Israeli Library Revealed

The Gospel is kept in the Jobar Synagogue in Damascus, but now the place is destroyed due to civil war. "You may wonder what will happen to this manuscript if it will still exist," said retired Weiser.

Notebook Hebrew Kafka

This is a thin note consisting of only 20 pages containing Hebrew vocabulary. This manuscript was written by the famous Jewish writer, Franz Kafka. At the end of his life, this German-speaking writer decided to leave Prague. He then settled in the land now occupied by Israel. There, he learned the Hebrew language with an 18-year-old young man from Jerusalem, who in 1920 was studying mathematics in Prague. In reality, Kafka's works should have never existed after he passed away. Because he asked his friend to burn all of his written books.

However, the friend never obeyed that command. Instead, they published Kafka's works. This is what made Kafka the most famous writer of the 20th century. Some of Kafka's unpublished books are owned by two sisters. The Israeli court decided that the books should be handed over to the national library. However, the decision was appealed.

The library says, if they receive the manuscript, they will post it online, and unknown stories about Kafka may emerge.

Collection of Secrets of the Israeli Library Revealed

"Sir Isaac Newton"

"Sir Isaac Newton gave the world three laws of motion named after him. But he also had another theory: about the Hebrew scriptures and the apocalypse."

In English writing, sometimes mixed with Hebrew, Newton applied his scientific thinking to measure the ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and predicted the end of the world in 2060. These writings were supposed to end up at the University of Cambridge, where his descendants donated most of Newton's original manuscripts in 1872. But at that time, Cambridge declared disinterest in Newton's theological scribbles.

First Yiddish Text

This is a very thick book containing prayers from the 13th century. It is written in red and black ink in Hebrew. This book was once used to lead prayer festivals in the synagogue of Worms, a city in Germany.


On page 54a, buried within the large black Hebrew letters of an Easter hymn, it reads: "Let the good day shine for those who bring this prayer book to the synagogue." This manuscript is known as evidence of early Yiddish textual, an ancient language of the Ashkenazi Jews who lived in Central and Eastern Europe for centuries. This prayer book was used until the synagogue was destroyed in 1938, on the night of the attack on Jewish properties by Nazi Germany.

Collection of Secrets of the Israeli Library Revealed

The city archive successfully obtained two volumes of manuscripts from the Gestapo office's basement and saved them from the Allied bombing. In 1957, as part of the Holocaust reparations negotiation, Germany gave Israel this historic prayer book.

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