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Kejahatan Bani Israil di Bumi Palestina dan Azab yang Diterima, Tak Pernah Kapok dengan Hukuman Allah!

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The Crimes of the Children of Israel in the Land of Palestine and the Punishment They Received, Never Cease to Fear the Punishment of Allah!"

Dream – Bani Israil is the descendants of Prophet Yakub AS who adhere to the Book of Taurat as a guide to life. Bani Israil is very different from the Zionist movement that was born in the country of Israel. Nevertheless, Bani Israil is also known as rebels and destroyers. It is narrated that Bani Israil once caused damage in Palestine until Allah sent down punishment upon them. The injustice of Bani Israil is immortalized in the Quran as a lesson for mankind, especially the Muslim community.

Crimes of the Children of Israel in the Land of Palestine and the Punishment They Received, Never Repentant of Allah's Punishment!

The arrogance of the Children of Israel exceeded all limits, so Allah gave them a fitting punishment. The punishment given to the Children of Israel occurred after the prophetic era of Prophet Jacob (AS).

"Stubborn Nature"

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Bad behavior of the Children of Israel has been immortalized in the Quran, one of which is their stubbornness, disbelief, envy, arrogance, rebelliousness, rejection of the truth, and so on. In the Book of Torah, Allah informed Prophet Moses that the Children of Israel would cause destruction in Palestine twice. Allah then incited the enemies of the Children of Israel to destroy them."


After receiving punishment, they repented to Allah and were freed from punishment. Their kingdom, wealth, and power were restored. However, it turned out that they returned to disbelief and caused destruction. Allah once again mobilized their enemies to destroy them. This is a worldly punishment sent by Allah to them, while in the hereafter, Allah's punishment will be even more severe.

"Allah SWT says:"
"And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book, 'You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely become haughty with great arrogance.'"

(Quran Surah Al-Isra Verse 4)


"God continues His word:"
"Then when the punishment for the first of the two crimes comes, We bring to you Our mighty servants, and they roam freely in the villages. And that is a definite decree that is fulfilled."

"(Quran Surah Al-Isra Verse 5)"


"Kejahatan Bani Israil" translates to "The Misdeeds of the Children of Israel" in English.

Bani Israil is a people that is widely talked about in the Quran. The stories in this holy book are immortalized by Allah as lessons for humans to not repeat the mistakes of Bani Israil. According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs' interpretation, it is mentioned that there are two sins committed by Bani Israil that ultimately led to the punishment from Allah SWT: disregarding the commands of Allah SWT and altering the content of the Torah. They also killed Prophet Zakaria and Prophet Yahya and attempted to kill Prophet Isa AS.

"Defiance of the Children of Israel"

Bani Israil was too arrogant, so Allah sent punishment to them. Bani Israil once experienced destruction and divided into two kingdoms, namely Yahudza in the southern part consisting of two tribes of Bani Israil; Yahudza and Benyamin. The first king was Rehoboam, the son of Prophet Sulaiman. The second kingdom was Israil in the northern part consisting of 10 other tribes. The first king was Jeroboam son of Nebat.

The First Punishment from Allah for the Children of Israel

The First Punishment from Allah for the Children of Israel

The Kingdom of Israel was attacked by the Assyrian King, Sanharib, who entered the city of Samaria (the capital of the Kingdom of Israel), captured the Israelites, and brought them to Assyria. Then, the Kingdom of Israel collapsed after being successful for 250 years.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The punishment of Allah did not stop there, He deployed the Babylonian army under the leadership of King Nebuchadnezzar. This kingdom was known for its cruelty and ambition to expand its territory by killing, plundering, and robbing the conquered inhabitants. The Israelites also suffered from the cruelty and ambition of King Nebuchadnezzar. Their scholars were killed and the Torah was completely burned. Their holy city, Jerusalem, was destroyed. Such was the fate of the Israelites for deviating from the commandments of Allah SWT."

"Punishment Without End"

Not only that, the Israelites also experienced a more unfortunate fate. Among them, some were taken to Babylon, captured by King Nebuchadnezzar repeatedly until finally the kingdom of Judah collapsed.

"Memerdekakan Kembali Bani Israil" translates to "Liberating the Children of Israel" in English.

After the collapse, Allah restored power to the Children of Israel. After Babylon was defeated by King Cyrus, the first Persian Kisra from the Sasan family liberated the prisoners from the Children of Israel and sent them back to Palestine in 536 AD. The grace of Allah was given to the Children of Israel because they repented to Him. Allah gave them the opportunity to rebuild their country and save their families and belongings.

Bangsa yang Merdeka

"Nation that is Independent"

Bani Israil finally returned to being an independent nation and regained control of their land. They named their new kingdom the Kingdom of Jews, which is a blessing from Allah for them.

"Allah SWT berfirman:" translates to "Allah SWT says:"
"Then We give you the turn to defeat them, We assist you with wealth and children, and We make you a larger group."

"(Quran Surah Al-Isra Verse 5)"


In the verse explained, it is stated that humans are under the guidance of Allah's revelation and it is preferable to walk according to His guidance. By doing so, they can experience the blessings and mercy of Allah that are spread throughout the world. However, if they deviate and follow the desires of their own ego, then a bad fate will befall them.

Crimes of the Children of Israel in the Land of Palestine and the Punishment They Received, Never Repentant of Allah's Punishment!

"The Second Punishment from Allah for the Children of Israel"

"Allah then inflicted punishment upon the Children of Israel as a consequence of their repeated evil deeds. At that time, Allah left them in a state of chaos as their enemies attacked and conquered them. This second defeat truly struck them with incredible suffering and humiliation."


"Suffering Multiplied"

The enemies forcefully entered Masjidil Aqsa, seized their wealth, and destroyed their religious symbols, just as what had happened during the first conquest. As a result, they suffered multiplied suffering. They experienced material losses in the form of power, possessions, and women taken as captives.

According to historical records, the Roman nation is the one who conquered the Bani Israil for the second time, then ruled over Palestine. They killed and captured the Jews and destroyed Baitul Makdis along with other cities. The first Roman Emperor to enter Baitul Maqdis was Emperor Titus in the year 70 AD. He burned down Masjidil Aqsa and seized the valuable treasures inside.

"Millions of Jewish People Died"

In the event, around 1 million Jewish people lost their lives. Furthermore, Emperor Hadrian, who ruled from 117 to 158 AD, seized control of the Temple Mount and carried out a series of destruction actions at the place of worship. Hadrian changed its name to Aelina Capitolian (the city of Aelina). Masjidil Aqsa was demolished, and on its ruins, a new structure named Yupiter Capitolina was built. At the same time, the Jewish kingdom was also destroyed, causing the Jewish people to lose their country. They were forced to scatter all over the world. This event took place in 132 AD.

"Allah SWT said:"
"If you do good, it means you do good for yourself. And if you do evil, then (the loss of evil) is for yourself. When the time comes for the second punishment (of evil), (We will raise your enemies) to humiliate you, then they will enter the mosque (Masjidil Aqsa), just as they did when they entered it for the first time and they destroyed everything they possessed."

"(QS. Al-Isra Ayat 7)" translates to "(QS. Al-Isra Verse 7)" in English.


"The Command of Allah for Repentance"

"Allah commanded the Children of Israel to be aware and repent and return to the teachings of the Torah. By doing so, Allah will bestow His mercy. After 483 years from the event of the destruction of Jerusalem by Hadrian, the Persian people under the leadership of Kisra Barwiz successfully captured the cities in Palestine from the hands of the Roman people."

Crimes of the Children of Israel in the Land of Palestine and the Punishment They Received, Never Repentant of Allah's Punishment!

After some time, the Muslims succeeded in conquering the land of Sham, including Palestine. Roman Emperor Heraclius I climbed up a hill and faced Syria. Then he waved his hand and said, "Farewell Syria forever."

"Terlepas dari Penindasan Romawi" translates to "Despite the Roman Oppression" in English.

As a result, the Jewish people were freed from the shackles and oppression of the Roman nation. They were able to worship again at the Temple of Solomon (Masjidil Aqsha). Allah truly loves the Children of Israel and always bestows mercy upon them. However, it is the inherent nature of the Children of Israel to misbehave, often leading to punishment from Allah SWT. But now, the Children of Israel, hiding behind the Zionists, are once again committing crimes and causing destruction in the land of Palestine. As Muslims, we can only wait for Allah's promise regarding the fate of the Jews in the end times, when they will be destroyed at the hands of the Muslims.

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