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Heboh Penemuan Tempat Tinggal Manusia Zaman Batu, Banyak Jarum dan Tombak

Exciting Discovery of Stone Age Human Habitation, Many Needles and Spears

With an estimated age of around 16,800 years, the living space in La Garma Cave in Cantabria seems to have hardly changed since it was abandoned by ancient inhabitants. In fact, various tools and artifacts are still scattered on the floor.

The first discovery of La Garma Cave was made in 1995.

I became a human dwelling during the Upper Paleolithic period and have one of the most complete collections of stone art in Europe, spanning from the Old Stone Age to the migration period from the site during the Magdalenian period around 17,000 years ago.

Heboh Penemuan Tempat Tinggal Manusia Zaman Batu, Banyak Jarum dan Tombak

At that moment, a pile of rocks blocked the entrance to the cave, causing its contents to be trapped like a prehistoric time capsule.

Even though the main chamber has been inaccessible for thousands of years, the surrounding caves are still inhabited by humans.

This is confirmed by the presence of kitchen waste piles from the Middle Stone Age, tombs from the Copper and Bronze Ages, as well as fortresses and tombs from the Iron Age to the Visigoth and Middle Ages.

Based on information from the University of Cantabria, this oval-shaped room has an area of ​​approximately 5 square meters and is surrounded by a series of stone blocks and stalagmites, forming a structure supported by steps on the cave wall, made of wood and leather. In the center of the room, there is a fireplace surrounded by items used by cave dwellers in their daily lives.

The equipment includes tools for making artifacts from stone, horn, and bone, as well as tools used in processing animals and processing skins.

Heboh Penemuan Tempat Tinggal Manusia Zaman Batu, Banyak Jarum dan Tombak

"Discover the Spear and Needle"

From a total of 4,614 artifacts that have been discovered, researchers also found spears, needles, and "proto harpoons." In addition, this cave also preserves a number of artworks, such as carved auroch bones with images of aurochs and human faces. According to the researchers, these are the only artifacts of their kind ever found in Paleolithic Europe.

Bracelets or pendants that may have been used by cave dwellers were also found, mostly made of deer, horse, and bison bones. Researchers continue to carry out excavations and non-invasive analysis methods to deepen their knowledge of La Garma while preserving it. Additional information about this discovery will be announced in a press conference at the National Archaeology Museum in February 2024.

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