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"Prayer for the Intention of Zakat Fitrah for an Arab, Latin, and Meaning for the Whole Family"

Dream - Prayer intention of zakat fitrah for the Arab, Latin family and the important meaning known to every Muslim. Especially those who have an obligation to pay zakat fitrah. Zakat Fitrah is a mandatory zakat that must be paid by every Muslim at the end of the month of Ramadan or before the implementation of Eid al-Fitr prayer. Zakat aims to purify a person's wealth and soul from all mistakes and sins, as well as a means to help the poor so that they can also celebrate Eid al-Fitr properly.

The amount of zakat fitrah is generally determined based on the type of staple food consumed in the area, such as rice, wheat, or dates. This zakat fitrah is an obligation for every capable Muslim, both adults and children who already have sufficient wealth.

Intention Prayer for Zakat Fitrah for the Whole Family in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning

Zakat is different from buying and selling transactions because it prioritizes intention over agreement. Therefore, the primary aspect is the intention prayer to pay zakat fitrah, while a formal agreement is not mandatory. Although the intention can be kept in the heart, it is recommended to express it verbally to strengthen belief. Below is the complete recitation of the intention prayer for zakat fitrah for an Arab family, in Latin script and its important meaning to be known.

"Prayer Intention for Zakat Fitrah for the Whole Family"

\ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \ufe83\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \ufe83\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufecb\u064e\u0646\u0651\u0650\u064a\u0652 \ufeed\u064e\ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufe9f\u064e\ufee4\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufeca\u0650 \ufee3\u064e\ufe8e \u062a\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0632\u064e\ufee3\u064f\u0646\u0650\u064a\u0652 \ufee7\u064e\ufed4\u064e\ufed8\u064e\ufe8e\ufe97\u064f\ufeec\u064f\ufee2\u0652 \ufeb7\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufecb\u064b\ufe8e \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \u0650\ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0 Nawaitu an ukhrija zak\u00e2tal fithri \u2018ann\u00ee wa \u2018an jam\u00ee\u2019i m\u00e2 talzamun\u00ee nafaq\u00e2tuhum fardhan lill\u00e2hi ta\u2019\u00e2l\u00e2 Artinya: \u201cAku niat mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk diriku dan seluruh orang yang nafkahnya menjadi tanggunganku, fardu karena Allah Ta\u2018\u00e2l\u00e2.\u201d Translated to English while preserving HTML tags: ﻧَﻮَﻳْﺖُ ﺃَﻥْ ﺃُﺧْﺮِﺝَ ﺯَﻛَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟْﻔِﻄْﺮِﻋَنِّيْ ﻭَﻋَﻦْ ﺟَﻤِﻴْﻊِ ﻣَﺎ تَلْزَﻣُنِيْ ﻧَﻔَﻘَﺎﺗُ&#xufeec;ُ&#xufee2;ْ ﺷَﺮْﻋًﺎ ﻓَﺮْﺿًﺎ ِﻟﻠ&#xufeea;ِ ﺗَ&#ufecc;َﺎﻟَﻰ Nawaitu an ukhrija zakâtal fithri ‘annî wa ‘an jamî’i mâ talzamunî nafaqâtuhum fardhan lillâhi ta’âlâ Artinya: “Aku niat mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk diriku dan seluruh orang yang nafkahnya menjadi tanggunganku, fardu karena Allah Ta‘âlâ.”


"Mandatory Conditions for Paying Zakat Fitrah"

"After knowing the reading of the prayer intention for zakat fitrah for an Arab family, Latin, and its meaning, next Sahabat Dream needs to know the obligatory requirements for those who give zakat fitrah. Who are they? Here is the explanation:"

1. Islamic Religion

One main requirement for the obligation of zakat fitrah is that a person must be a Muslim. Only individuals who embrace Islam are required to pay zakat fitrah. Non-Muslims or those who have not embraced Islam are not obligated to give zakat fitrah. Thus, the main condition for the obligatory zakat fitrah is to be a mature and sane Muslim.


2. Able to pay for it

The second requirement for the obligation of zakat fitrah is to have the ability or sufficiency to pay it. This means that a person must have sufficient wealth or income to meet the basic needs of themselves and their family, as well as have surplus from it. Zakat fitrah is calculated based on the types of staple food commonly consumed in the local community, such as rice, wheat, dates, or raisins. Therefore, a Muslim needs to ensure that they have the ability or sufficiency to pay zakat fitrah according to the specified amount.

3. Performing According to the Designated Time

The third requirement for the obligation of zakat fitrah is to pay it at the designated time. Zakat fitrah must be given before the implementation of Eid al-Fitr prayer or when approaching the day of Eid al-Fitr. The importance of paying zakat fitrah on time is very significant because if not, the zakat will not be considered as valid zakat fitrah and must be given as regular charity or donation. Therefore, a Muslim must ensure that they pay zakat fitrah according to the designated time, which is before the implementation of Eid al-Fitr prayer.

Intention Prayer for Zakat Fitrah for the Whole Family in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning
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